
Walking on Hot Coals


09-29-2013, 03:25 PM

She had lead Ares back to the place she called home, sneaking sly glances at the pale wolf. The cooler air of the beach had left them with only gentle nips at her heels before fading away entirely. Slowly the landscape changed before, becoming more and more familiar, until finally her gaze fell upon the rock garden. A small smile tugged at her lips. Hopefully Seraphim would return soon. She missed him. Audits twitched gently as Ares words caressed sensitive ear canals. "Yes, just over here."

She turned a few steps to her left, leading him towards her den. It had been surprisingly large when Seraphim had showed it to her, easily fitting the pair, with extra room to spare. With easy grace she slide down into the darkened hiding spot, eyes taking a moment to adjust. Nostrils flared. Seraphim had not yet been back, his scent still stale. "Hopefully he'll be returning soon." Softly spoken tones were left to drift over her shoulder as her gaze sought the lavender one of the brute following her.

It would be interesting to see how Seraphim would react to their time spent together. He had after all saved her from the cruelty of his own children. And to return to find his son and adoptive daughter in each others presence? It wasn't to hard to admit that she enjoyed the younger wolfs presence, even in just the short time they had spent together. She couldn't explain the feeling that swelled in her chest when she caught him looking her way, all she knew was that it was there. As unexplainable as it was.
