
Underneath The Bridge



"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-01-2024, 07:11 PM

Cerberus wasn't a stranger to long travels. He did after all have a lifechanging move right after he was born when Fenmyre was made, not that he remembered that. "I have missed Auster." He commented briefly, that would always be home to him.

At first when she said she couldn't stay in Elysium he honestly wasn't too surprised. He couldn't think of any reason why, but he knew his sister could be a little harsh and rough around the edges. At least that's how he knew her. He was not expecting the reasons why which came next. He went completely cold, speechless. Other than his jaw tightening slightly as he absorbed exactly what she had told him he seemed relatively neutral. It was completely different than when he first laid eyes on her and reunited with her. But she just went ahead and brushed it off. That wasn't enough for him, but he wouldn't press on. Not right in this moment. The idea that there were little babies back in Elysium that were his... nieces or nephews... He wasn't one to say blood is blood and you should love and defend everyone related to you. He believed more in the relationships he had with his closest siblings. But it was still a hard pill to swallow. He didn't expect her to have Saracyn's children so soon and he definitely didn't expect her to be leaving because of it. It really hurt him in the short amount of time he allowed himself the thought. But again, he would move on as if nothing was amiss. She probably caught on to him, but he could move on if that's what she wanted.

"Who would have thought..." A quick breath to regain himself, "You would have turned into the prodigy." He joked with soft smirk and hum of a chuckle. As much as it was built into Cerberus to be the heir, to take over Chimera's kingdom in time, he enjoyed not having the spotlight and responsibilities of that anymore. There was obviously a guilt he carried heavily under him, but he did his best to move on. To have a normal life. Ever since his mother died he could believe that sense of normalcy, and it's what strove him not to fight to be after Chimera. "I haven't seen Albion yet," he responded as she had asked about him, "I briefly saw Avacyn before coming to find you." That was it. A trip to Auster trailing cold scents, and then back to a broken mess apparently in Elysium.
