


06-01-2024, 08:37 PM
Queen of Heaven

who knew she'd have a hater so soon? she's made aware of the other before they speak but she pays it no mind. ishtar minded her own and expected the other to do the same for the sake of their adulthood. the woes of others had nothing to do with her; and she certainly did not owe them closure of any sort.
ishtar was put simply: not reacting to the world around her in a traumatized state. a woman of integration, she followed her path & honored her emotions. everything else was an indifference to her. a ground of neutrality that might've been priceless and valuable for this older lad to learn. who knew. "you're projecting, you know." she exhaled, allowing her body to relax some more while her eyes opened to finally bear the image of the stranger to her right.
hmm. a striking, if not odd resemblance. their markings different but they wore nearly identical hues. if she could be so vain to love him for it merely, she would. this in turn, gave forth to a small chuckle. looking closer, she saw his mutations. was it a mutt? "I'm just soaking for a bit. Don't mind me." she assured him, hoping to be left to her own devices. she looks at him with a soft gaze, ruby eyes dispassionate. he had all the free will to walk away, after all.

"talk" 'think'
table by scarlet, art by nelsa