
Entertaining Satan's Demons


09-29-2013, 03:53 PM
Nausica Saxe

It hadn't been hard to track her brother. His scent was engraved in her young mind. At her age she didn't understand the taboo relationship that would form between herself and her brother, to her it seemed natural. She loved her entire family. Her mother. Her brother. Even her sister. But she always found herself closer to her brother. It had been some time since she had last seen any of them, it angered her that they all disappeared for such long periods of time.

Blood. It teased her nostrils, stopping all trains of thoughts. A low growl rumbled in her throat, paws pushing forward, nose leading her straight towards the sound. Soon her brothers scent mingled with the smell of blood. Her movements slowed, paws being placed carefully to keep her approach a secret. Bodice slide down towards the earth, amethyst eyes training on the bloodied mass of her brother.

Legs coiled, muscles bunching before she propelled herself forward, launching an attack on her brother. Jaws parted a snarl gracing gorgeous features. She hoped to collide with her brother, his bloodied pelt smearing against her own, covering her own ebony blanket in a layer of the crimson liquid. His back at been to her, jaws sucking the blood out of the dead animal, he was absorbed in his kill. And hopefully to absorbed to notice her until she struck.