
too slow in the snow

medium prey hunt for Rakia!


The Syndicate

Master Hunter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

2 Years
06-02-2024, 07:42 PM
Snow crunched beneath her paws as she moved with calculated grace. Rakia’s icy blue eyes fixed on a peculiar individual as they were stealthily creeping towards the young buck. The stranger was a new scent, a mixture of pine resin and damp earth that stood out against the familiar frosty aroma of the snow. Intrigued, she moved aside, her grey fur blending seamlessly with the surrounding vegetation, her lean figure barely making an imprint in the fresh layer of snow.

Watching attentively, Rakia observed as the stranger went into a predatory crouch, their eyes focused on their prey. There was a certain grace to their movements: smooth and yet full of latent power. She admired that, she had to admit. The buck lifted its head from grazing, hazel eyes wide and alert as it sensed danger nearby. It was yet too inexperienced to pinpoint the source, however. Entirely unaware of the stranger creeping closer, it pranced a few steps forward, hooves leaving deep imprints in the snow.

Rakia flinched instinctively. The snow around her seemed to quieten as if holding its breath in anticipation. She felt the chill creeping up her spine, her senses heightened, heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and excitement. It was an odd sensation – watching another claim their kill. And she could no longer stand to just sit and observe on the sidelines. With a low growl rumbling through her chest, Rakia pushed herself off the frozen terrain, snowflakes twining in her fur as she moved to close the distance. Her agile form covered ground silently with very little effort on her behalf. And once she moved into place to provide support for the stranger and their kill, she waited for them to make the first move.

"Rakia Perreau"

Thread Move Log
Thread Forum From To
1. too slow in the snow Sparse Pines 01:34 AM, 06-02-2024 10:49 AM, 06-20-2024