
Begin With Yourself




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
06-03-2024, 01:10 AM

Even though she couldn't exactly see his face from her current position, she could tell he was considering the facts she presented to him as he held still with his claws pressing against her hips and certain parts of him pressing dangerously close to her most intimate parts. It truly would have been too easy for him to just have his way with her out here and she was sure he knew it, but she also knew he loved her best when she was at her most unfiltered so she wasn't all that surprised when he decided that he wanted all of her and her reactions to himself–but not before he could tease her, of course. The feeling of him pressing into her and his teeth grazing her ear pulled a gasp from her and a wide grin crossed her lips as she shuddered lightly beneath him. Their sex life was certainly alive and well, but it wasn't all that often these days that she got to have him spontaneously in the middle of the day like this so this was a special kind of treat.

"Excellent choice, handsome," she replied with a chuckle as he stepped off of her and allowed her to stand. She gave herself a quick shake and then looked at him with a sly grin as he gestured toward their den. She started back the way they came, following the trail that had been worn into the forest floor up into the mountains where their den was nestled among the pines. Along the way her mate's tail brushed against her thigh, making her hum with anticipation and glance his way with a little grin. As they got closer to the den she picked up the pace a bit so she could walk ahead of him, curling her tail up and over her back, giving him a bit of a show with her swaying hips as she led the way into their den. She peeked back at him with a sly smirk as she stepped into their bedroom, walking over to the large, plush spread of furs and sliding slowly down onto her belly in the middle of it with a content sigh.

"Avacyn Mendacium"