
The Other Brother




Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Blessed Blessed

3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - BisexualHomebodyStudentSamhain 2022
06-03-2024, 01:43 PM

As generally unwelcoming Fia may have come across these days, she wasn't one to turn down the company. These days. She wasn't quite aware Albion was joining her until he was there speaking to her, and she wouldn't brush him off in the slightest. Maybe a generous host, or opening up her social side. But it was far deeper and darker than that. She didn't like being alone anymore. It could be Albion, it could be one of her more annoying younger siblings, it could be a stranger outside the borders. Just the presence of someone else made her feel safe.

Dark eyes turned up to him as he approached, motioning to his own bottle of wine he had taken from the same shelf. She didn't even have to offer hers, how nice. It seemed that odd dagger squint she had in her young days had faded from existence or maybe that was just because this was home. Instead her maw softened into grin with a slight raise in her brow, "It warms the heart doesn't it?" She too wasn't one to pester as to why, in fact she assumed he just wanted to have some fun. Take the edge off, maybe he had other plans. Though he was standing here looking at her. Her eyes glanced around quickly before offering, "I wasn't expecting company so I don't have a pelt to drop for you, but I don't mind sharing." Surprisingly no ill intent behind her joking tone. She didn't know Albion at all either, but she knew enough to think of him as her sister's. A lot had changed while they were gone, and here she was drinking it away. One day she would have to snap back into reality, hopefully sooner rather than later. "I'll let you share this one with me." A gentle paw brushed down her second bottle of wine before opening the one she was ready for. She wouldn't start drinking until he actually chose to join her or move on. Maybe he preferred the hard ground instead though she'd find that rather modest.


Fiametta is an !M rated! character for highly Sexual themes. Please Discord me if you have concerns and please read at your own risk.