
Winter's Bone


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-03-2024, 07:05 PM
Cerberus was steadily making his way back into pack routines. After his short visit with his sister he didn't know exactly how to feel. Scylla had babies here... She left. She had a pack now. It left him wondering where he truly wanted to be. Without Scylla and Albion he didn't know who he was. He was the oldest but he always ran for them. He had so much on his shoulders from a very young age.

He was out of work for the moment, but usually that would have him hunting or gathering herbs. Still work. He was trying to take it easy, not be such a stiff. A stiff? Not the best defining word for him but he never knew how to have fun with anyone but his siblings. Must have been a family trait.

He came across Mariah staring out through the pines, at least she was draped with a warm pelt. He didn't know too much about any of the Mendacium's at a personal level. He did remember their youngest sister having some concerning health issues though. He wasn't one to stick her back inside. She was old enough to make decisions for herself. His paws crunching across the crystal snow should have been enough to alert her of his presence. He wasn't really good at introductions despite his Prince upbringing. "I heard you had a trip of your own.", it seemed they were all getting into some sort of trouble, "I hope you have been well." He asked with a sideways smile as he made himself a seat near her. He could be quiet and look out at the vast pines ahead of them as well. Even if he sat here for a while and they said nothing to each other before he walked off he wouldn't complain. He was pretty easy going. But for now he'd take the moment she seemed to find.


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1. Winter's Bone Alias Island 04:52 PM, 06-03-2024 02:42 AM, 06-12-2024