


09-29-2013, 04:41 PM
OOC Name: Nyo (or Changeling)
How did you get here?: someone was so kind to direct me her from the rpg-d
Age: 26

Character's Name: Nungha
Age: 4
Season of birth: spring
Size: 34"
Appearance description: The female isn't one that could claim to be special in any way. She is neither large nor small, neither lanky nor bulky. Nungha is simply a wolf who has made her own experiences and her body was turned into the canvas of her very own history. She measures 34 inches in height and weights 122 lbs, loosing and gaining with her hunting successes.
Brown fur covers her whole body, from her head to her toes and to the tip of her tail. It lightens during the summer, but when winter comes her coat takes on darker hues until she appears nearly black. But there are also many lighter spots which seem a bit out of place and are actually those fur patches that grow over her scars. These patches often consist of uneven grown fur and are prove of her battles, both lost and won. Her eyes fit into the picture of the battle hardened female as well. Most of the time the colour amber seems open and warm, but Nungha's gaze can usually only be described as calculating or mysterious.
She carries herself with pride and confidence. Who needs posturing if your every movement proves that you know how your body works? She likes to test the limits of her body and has trained hard for her stealth, strength and agility, which shows in her very controlled appearance.
Duty: Warrior