
Lead by Curiosity



"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

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ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
06-03-2024, 09:50 PM

The surprise that flickers across his features when Haydée ask for his company has the young woman biting her lip to keep in a giggle while her lips curve into a smile. Paws return to work as she allows the man time to gather his thoughts, her smile growing as her emerald gaze moves down to where she continues to scoop out an area that will soon become her nephew’s final resting place. Eltrys’ voice is like drinking warm tea on a cold day and it fills her with warmth from the inside out as he settles closer to her and she hums a soft sound of amusement at his first words.

As she continues to work, the man slowly unfolds his story, laying close by while painting a picture in Haydée’s mind that helps to wash away the sorrow-filled images of her nephew’s lifeless body. Small paws work the dirt and her slow progress begins to yield a hole as he speaks of studying and praying and the young woman hums in amazement. Features lift in awe, reacting to his story even while she continues to work, listening intently as he speaks of his uncle trying to have him assassinated.

Lines pull taught on her face as her eyes darken and she digs more aggressively as Eltrys speaks of the betrayal, his mother’s sacrifice, and the lies that the horrible uncle had fed him. Then, he asks if he can place a memorial for his family in the growing graveyard and Haydée falters for a moment, paws slipping against the slick soil as her face softens and she moves her gentle green gaze to him. Asking such a question means that he wishes to stick around and, with everything that has happened lately, the small Leader had thought wolves would wish to leave, not stay.

A sad, yet knowing smile spreads across her lips as Haydée softly says, “Of course, Eltrys. If you wish to have a ceremony, with or without the pack, you are welcome to do so. This place is meant for all who wish to be laid rest in Ethne land. I just… hope that I never have to dig another grave again.” Tone turns solemn and wistful as she finishes and the russet woman offers him a fleeting smile before turning her attention back to the task at paw.

With a warmth in her voice that had been absent since finding out about her nephew, the small woman says, “Thank you, Eltrys. For your time, your story, and your willingness to help. Now, is there anything that I, or the pack, can do to help you feel more comfortable here in Ethne? Maybe some things you might wish to keep for ceremonies or books to read?” Talking helps take her mind off the sad task she is performing and making sure that the newest members of Ethne are settling into pack life should be one of her top priorities; unfortunately the Leader has had a few things on her mind lately.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. Lead by Curiosity Lazuli Falls 05:53 PM, 04-04-2024 10:55 PM, 09-07-2024