
Honing The Weapons



09-29-2013, 06:13 PM

The man stood tall, ears ticked forward as the beast nickered and spoke. He nodded in agreement, a smile playing at his lips at the mention of a spar, and light rumble would shake his chest at the mention of leaving bruises on his Father. Inclining his head, a flash of challenge and determination appeared in his ever calm green gaze. A flash of teeth would then splash itself onto his features, a smile of accepting her request. "A spar you say? Why I would be most honored to have you as my first official spar. An equine versus a wolf, this will be interesting." He remarked. At last, he might be able to get out some of his restlessness in this battle of the usual prey animal and predator. Though, he was not aiming to kill Obsidian. She was family, and he and the Valhallans had always treated her as such. Obsidian and the wolves protected each other as if she were a pack wolf herself, there was a bond to be shared between her and the Valhallans that other did not understand.

He moved a couple yards away from her, his tail swishing lightly behind him as he trotted confidently into his new place. Turning towards her, he let out a single howl into the air, letting passersby know that a spar was underway. He was sure one or two would come to watch, after all, it wasn't everyday a wolf and a horse had a spar on open grounds. He closed his mouth then, still revealing his teeth as he lowered himself into position. He knew that he would have to be quick, or risk being trampled on. He knew that her hooves were a real danger, but her teeth could be as well. He gave his body a good shake, lossening his muscles, and then he prepared himself. He flattened his ears against his skull should the beast decide to lunge for them with outstretched teeth, likewise he scrunched the fat on his scruff to give less access to the tender flesh underneath, tail became parallel with his spine for balance as he prepared for quick movement, toes splayed, claws digging into earth for traction, knees became bent and his body lowered slightly to the ground. He thought about her charging towards him, and should she decide to do that then he would need to move as quick as possible. He then narrowed his eyes, just in case her leg or hoof decided to catch him in his face. "Challenge accepted!" He cried.

Round 0/4

Practice Spar

Attacks: none

Defenses: Ears flattened against his skull, neck/scruff scrunched, tail parallel with his spine for balance, toes splayed, claws dug into earth for traction, knees bent, body slightly lowered, eyes narrowed.

Injuries: None

OOC: And the fight begins! Good luck to you and to me since I've never done this before lol
