
Like a good neighbor, the Hallows is there!


Ember Carpathius

"I'll be the fire that dries the flood"

The Hallows
Head Scholar

Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
06-04-2024, 08:16 PM

Ember wasn’t kept waiting for long before the new alpha of Hemlock appeared to greet her. The Carpathian princess was in awe of Delphi. It was so easy to forget that anyone could be a leader when their heart and mind were set for it, especially in a world of older, massive dire wolf alphas. Delphi was the exact opposite—young, spunky, petite, yet still so formidable and powerful. She’d watched her fight in the raid, and although Heiðinn had gotten a thorough thrashing, it wasn’t for lack of effort on their fighters’ part. Ember greeted Delphi with a friendly smile and bright eyes, eager to do her part and help build Hemlock up and get the pack on the Hallows’ side.

"Hello! Philadelphia, right?" Ember nodded her head when Delphi asked if she was one of Artorias’ children. "Yep! I’m Ember Carpathius. My dad sent me to lend a paw with Hemlock’s growth." At the Curator’s behest, Ember crossed over the border with her bag slung over her back, tail giving a gentle wag while eager eyes drank in the new yet somewhat familiar surroundings of the mountains. It had been a year since she’d been here last, back when Vidarr had greeted her and her father for their first visit. Delphi confirmed her name and rank, both of which Ember repeated in her head a few times to commit to memory. "He did, but it’s always nice to put a face to the name. It’s a pleasure getting to know you, Delphi!"

Ember followed Delphi into one of the nearby dens at the base of the mountain, Ember's eyes occasionally glancing up at the towering peaks, wondering where amongst the high cliffs and crags Erik might be hiding. Stepping into the cave, she is immediately appreciative of the shelter. The cave has been made into a cozy little den, plenty big enough for herself. While Delphi began to prepare a fire for them, Em set her bag down against the wall and moved to join the young alpha. Delphi asked what her purpose was here, a question Em had anticipated. "Well, my father is very keen on building a close relationship between our packs. He and Víðarr were building rapport before Víðarr abdicated. He knows the challenges a young pack faces and he's sent me to help the pack transition as smoothly as possible. As for me, I'm an adept fighter and can help train any of your wolves in combat, or just in anything in general. I'm kind of a jack of all trades, so you can put me to use however you like. I'm at your service until my father calls me back." Which if she was lucky, wouldn't be any time too soon.

"Ember Carpathius" | "Carpathian"

Artorias and Briar may enter any of Ember's threads while she is under 2 years old.

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1. Like a good neighbor, the Hallows is there! Fenrir's Maw 03:43 AM, 05-24-2024 11:30 AM, 08-08-2024