
What a fine mess this is




Master Fighter (280)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Extra small

ScarredSnake EyesCritical Fail!
06-04-2024, 04:48 PM

With each of Rogue’s heavy breaths, Nimue’s body rose and fell in sync- but her claws against his skin helped keep her upright. She’d mounted and rode far larger opponents before, like the damn Rhino who took her for a wild, dangerous ride. Oh, and the Elephant who hoisted her up with its trunk and flung her around like a doll. Not pleasant memories. In comparison, Rogue was nothing to gawk over, even if he was a handsome male around her age, and she was mounted over his abdomen like a bitch in heat. But that didn’t cross her mind. Instead, she was bopping him, yelling at him, accusing him of trying to drown her. She expected him to retort back, to defend himself against her and hell, maybe attack her. But the response he gave, was quite the opposite.

He didn’t want to kill her- at least, that’s what he kept repeating. And he didn’t want to hurt her again. She couldn’t help the derisive snort that slipped out of her nose, her head tilting back slightly as she glared down at him. Didn’t want to hurt her? Really? He wouldn’t have dragged her into the water, knowing she couldn’t fight him off! The disbelief etched into her features was palpable, her scoff steeped in skepticism. But there was something about his tone that led her to believe he was being sincere. “What, you think I can’t handle what you dish out?” She said, her tail flicking behind her tiny body, tapping against his abdomen. Accidentally brushing against tender areas. “News flash, Rogue. You aren’t hot shit. I can handle myself, even against you.” She straightens up a bit, reminding him that she was the victor in this battle, and she was sitting on his body like it was her damn throne.

She wasn’t sure if it was her taunting that set him off, or perhaps, his emotions were finally bubbling over. But suddenly, Rogue was a mess of emotion, shouting and releasing his anger and frustration into the darkness that surrounded them. He’d lost everything. His family. His home. Even his name held no meaning. Nimue’s expression flattened, lips pulling into a tight line. Of all the wolves to vent his frustration to, she wasn’t the best pick. Or perhaps, she was. Because, unknown to Rogue, Nimue knew exactly how it felt to lose everything.

Once he grew silent, his anger started to simmer away. Nimue lowered herself onto him, pressing her chest against his and bringing their faces close. The thumping of his heart vibrated against her chest, rhythmic and synchronous with her own. “Ironic, isn’t it.” She says, peering into those amethyst, sunset eyes. "Now, you are just like me.” She doesn’t delve into the meaning of it- she doesn’t have to. Rogue is smart enough to figure it out. She was an orphan, a nobody that Chimera picked up after he found her scavenging on his lands. But that wasn’t who she always was.

As Rogue flopped his head back, Nimue sat up again. His apology echoed into the silence of the lakeside, which earned a subtle shake of her head. "Stop." She said, leaping off of him to wade towards the shore. Pulling herself onto the sand, she stops and turns back to face him. “We don’t apologize.” She’s stern as she stares at him, a palpable weight accompanying her words. Saying sorry wasn’t their thing. It wasn’t her thing. This encounter was meant for them to release some pent-up tension. They’d done that, so in her mind, it was successful.

Turning away, Nimue shakes the water from her pelt, and starts to head back to the treeline. But suddenly, she stops. “You wanted to know why I followed Chimera.” She looks over her shoulder at him. “I don’t have a good answer.” She’s honest with him. "But something told me to stick around, to see how this ends. That maybe this will lead to new beginnings.” There is a hint of mischief in her last words, her eyes daring to look Rogue’s sopping wet body up and down. A spark of something flickers inside of her - what it is, she isn’t sure - but it makes her belly feel bubbly. "It won't be long now." She adds. "If you've got something to say to your Uncle, you should do it soon." Is what she finishes with.

And if he doesn’t try to stop her, Nimue turns and vanishes into the night.

"Nimue Vasanti"

Caution: Nimue is unpredictable, ornery, & loves to fight!