
My what big tusks you have

Fia, Kintsugi, Daemon



Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
06-04-2024, 10:34 PM
He usually wasn't very willing to take the pups out on a patrol, especially not along the Rock Garden border that butted up against so many other packs, but he didn't intend on going past the shoreline today and he had his niece with them so he felt a bit more at ease with the situation than he normally would. Besides, Kintsugi absolutely refused to let him go without her today and he had a terrible time telling her no. At first it was just him, his daughter, and Fiametta, but where there was a crowd there was a party so when Daemon spotted them on their way off of the island he just had to tag along. Well, an impromptu family outing hadn't been his plan for today, but who was he to say no?

They followed the shoreline from where the land bridge connected with the mainland, walking along the rocky beach toward the edge of their territory. The thought had crossed his mind that they might be within swimming distance at this point of their territory to the Syndicate's lands so he wanted to get a better visual of it–though that was a bit hard to do when his attention was constantly being torn between the landscape he was trying to scout out and the two young wolves bounding ahead of them. He was just distracted enough to not notice the huge walrus pulling itself onto the shore in their path until the pups were already heading right for its blubbery side. "Kids! Stay away from that!" he warned, but the walrus was already turning their way with a swing of its long tusks, making him curse under his breath as he hurried forward to catch up with them.

"Deimos Mendacium"