
Today's Lesson



09-29-2013, 05:26 PM

Symphony's heart would race as she waited for her sister's words. Song seemed calm, respectful enough but she was not sure if her sister would be so willing to open her pups to her siblings so much yet. she would not blame her with the lack of years missing between them and a mother's natural protective instinct. As Song spoke her first words had Symphony freeze for a moment till she continued. A rush of joy wrapped around her as Song accepted and grinned down at little Novel. Before she could speak anthem came rushing in. He sure was good at tracking her down.

Her yelped a warm greeting to Anthem, standing to nuzzle and place a paw over his shoulder lovingly. Tail waved madly behind her. They could stay here in Ludicael. Anthem would have a pack to look after him too now. Sure their family pack did, but that was family. This would be much more for him and maybe even better. She licked his cheek and whined softly before she backed away from him. She glanced at Song, slightly embarassed with her joyous greeting."But..of course Anthem would have to be accepted to. He never leaves my side.." She said softly, tail wagging softly.

Another russtle in the brush alerted her another wolf was coming. A bark sounded before they approached. Dual toned eyes widened with the sight of this female. The array of colors and patterns on the wolf was simply amazing. She dipped her head respectfully and sat down, pawing the ground for Anthem to join her. Since Song was addressed with the question she would sit there silently and calmly. This had to be the alpha. She certainly carried herself like one and was kind. At once Symphony liked her. She smiled softly, awaiting to see if Anthem and her would be accepted. Howl she was not sure and could not voice for him. He would have to decide on his own time and voice when he was ready.
