
Virtue Itself Turns Vice



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

06-05-2024, 08:22 AM

Mariah shot him an appreciative look but didn't respond verbally, instead opting to let her tense silence speak volumes of the mounting pressure. Her gaze held his for a moment, the silver pools reflecting the emerald depths of his eyes with an ethereal glow. The tension in her shoulders eased slightly, her posture relaxing under his reassuring presence. She felt the familiar pull of Alias Island beneath her paws, the cold sand a grating comfort. The island stood still and silent, holding its breath much like she was herself. She glanced again at Caedes, his massive obsidian form seeming to blend with the dull lighting shrouding the island. Her voice felt small as it drifted on the biting wind- but it was there no less.

It didn’t take long for Avacyn to manifest, and when her sister offered her greeting, Mariah was quick to return it. "Avacyn," she responded, her voice steady- affectionate even- yet laden with an undercurrent of anxious anticipation. Her silver eyes lingered on her sister a moment longer, drinking in the familiar sight of her as the Matriarch greeted Caedes.

After the initial introduction, Avacyn led them to a fire in one of the communal areas, a gesture she was grateful to indulge. The glacial wind still swept across the barren landscape, but the warmth of the bonfire nearby was a beacon against the frigid onslaught. The flickering glow illuminated their faces as they approached, casting long shadows on the wintery expanse behind them. The gaunt fae settoled in close to the fire, welcoming the heat that seeped into her bones, seeping slowly into her ruffled black coat and thawing her frost-kissed fur.

When Avacyn went on to further address Caedes, supporting the permission their father granted, the corner of Mariah's mouth twitched upwards in a half-smile, a flicker of relief in her silver-marked eyes. Her sister's words were not a guarantee of acceptance, but they were the most promising start she could have hoped for. Her gaze shifted from Avacyn to Caedes, silently searching his emerald eyes for his thoughts. With a nod of understanding, she turned her attention back to her sister. "Thank you, Avacyn," Mariah said softly, "It means more than you realize."

But that half-grin quickly faded as the matriarch cut straight to her point. Mariah’s heart pounded in her chest as she listened, the seriousness of Avacyn's words sinking in. She swallowed, her gaze dropping to the ground as she collected her thoughts. Thus began the questions of his family and his background. He would have to hold his own here. Trying to protect him this early would do more harm than good.

"Mariah Mendacium"