
gone too long



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
06-05-2024, 01:52 PM

She offered Albion a smile and waved off his apology for not being able to tell her where he was while he carried out his mission. "It's alright, I understand the situation you were in and how imperative it was that it was handled quickly. I'm just glad that you made it back." To her mention of disposing of the brute's severed head, he suggested that they gift him to Scylla and that caused her expression to falter, her ears flicking back with a bit of awkwardness. Gods, how long had Albion been gone? Had he truly been gone for the whole affair of the surrogate litter Scylla had carried for them? She supposed he had been. Time passed far more quickly than she realized at times.

"That's one of the things I need to tell you... I would love to gift him to Scylla, but I'm afraid she is no longer here... and that she might have wished you let them kill me," she admitted glancing away with a frown. She hadn't seen the Klein woman since shortly after she gave birth so she truly had no idea how Scylla felt about them now, but if her coldness that day had any indication it probably wasn't very favorable. She didn't want to air all of the skeletons in her closet to him, but he also deserved to know what all led to this. "Leave him, the scavengers can have him," she decided and nodded back toward the central part of the island before she began to walk toward the lake with the hope that he'd walk with her as she talked.

She kept her gaze on the ground in front of her as she walked, explaining to him in careful, measured tones. "I didn't tell you when I found you back in the spring when I made you my Advisor, but the previous autumn I had been pregnant with Saracyn's pups. The pregnancy caused me to be very ill and the pups were eventually miscarried and stillborn. Because of that I knew we would have to rely on a surrogate if we were going to have a family. Scylla agreed to be our surrogate, but I believe that in the process her feelings ran deeper than she had anticipated and so she asked to be released from the pack as soon as the pups were born. I accepted her request and we have not seen her since."

There was a pause while she let Albion absorb this information and by then they had reached the shore of the island lake. She turned to face him and brought her gaze up to meet his. "My ravens did catch sight of her within the last couple of days near Valta's lands, but I haven't had a moment with everything else going on to be able to look more into it. I'm not sure if she's decided to join the pack–though I doubt that since they are one of our allies..." She frowned a bit with thought and hesitated before she added, "I would understand if you wish to leave the pack to be with her. Familial ties should come before any other obligations, though your presence here would be sorely missed."

"Avacyn Medacium"