
Goodnight, Sleeptight, Don't let the dead bite



09-29-2013, 06:05 PM

Eyes watched the two wolves fight, taking notes on each wound that was inflicted. She internally cheered on Jupiter, she had taking a liking to the kind alpha. This black male gave her an odd feeling one she did not like. She glanced down at the herbs she brought, hoping it would be enough. When she looked up Novella was coming to her side. She smiled softly, some how knowing her stern voice was probably what had brought her younger sister out. She nuzzled her softly."I might need your help...since I'm Ludicael's healer." She said softly as she glanced at Jupiter and Oddity.The fighting itself did not phase her, she had seen fights and healed many. What bothered her was the possible outcome of this fight. She did not want to lose an Alpha she had just met.

Myth would come tottering over like the happiest pup on earth. If others werent around she would have knocked her sister across the head and tackled her down to get some sense into her. Lips lifted to show her displeasure."Myth, knock some sense into that brain of yours. do you not realize you a witness to a battle for rule over Ludicael? Ludicael is the pack i have recently joined and that is my alpha Jupiter." She pointed her muzzle to the fighting pair.>"Why are you with that male? And why did you not come to us first?" She demanded in a calm tone. She would not get angry and start anything with her family during this battle.

She looked back at the two fighting with a frown. Paws went to separating her herbs into piles and then splitting them for each wolf. Her eyes became worried as Oddity had a hold around Jupiter's neck, making her growl ever so softly. She couldnt loose her new Alpha already, Jupiter just had to win!
