
The Star-Crossed Lover’s Litter

Ely x Scald Babies


The Syndicate
Effendi- Muqatil

Expert Intellectual (155)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years

06-05-2024, 11:42 PM (This post was last modified: 06-06-2024, 06:15 AM by Bunni. Edited 20 times in total.)

Scald & Elysia

The basics

Ely is a member of The Syndicate while Scald is a member of Raiders Hallow. These babies will be raised in The Syndicate by their mother alongside their cousins. Scald and Ely are “Star-Crossed Lovers” meaning neither are willing to leave their home to join the other in theirs. They will likely always be a split home. While Ely will often bring the babies to visit with Scald and his family, Scald will not officially be claiming his children for a while IC (or at all..)


  • We understand that these pup may not be your primary character, however I would like to request that they are Semi Active with at least 6 posts a month (unless IRL things prohibit this, just poke Me and let me know) as a sibling and mother I can help maintain this request!
  • If you fall inactive with them for more than 2 months (without letting us know) we will reclaim them if applicable.
  • Ely will push for her child to be productive in their stats. She will help them gain them if she can, as such I’d prefer they follow the syndicate double master plot rule (seen below in the pack plots) but accept that for some it may not happen that way due to muse and irl things.
  • The Syndicate has rules regarding slacking off that Ely will firmly follow for her children and will dish out IC consequences as needed.
  • Once your pup has Reached Two years of age and has 150 posts or has reached 200 Posts before they are Two, they are fully yours. If at that point you take the character off site, I request that you keep their history and lineage true to Their time on Ardent.


As Ely will be the Primary Parent of this Litter she will be the parent giving the children their names. She will follow two themes for naming them.

  • Theme 1: Celestial / Astrology Names; As Scald and his family often Remind her of the night sky and the Aurora Borealis She will be inclined to pick names that remind her of that.
  • Theme 2: “Saxe Energy” Names: Due to
    her upbringing she will also be Partial to names that sound Strong, Threatening and even Alluring. Included Below is a list of names Ely would consider Strong Names for a Saxe. These names are free to be used as are any names similar in nature.

Ely fully believes in Middle names, so each child should have a first and middle name. If a Child receives a Name from the first theme then their middle name should be oriented towards the second theme and Vice Versa.

As for Surnames, this litter will be born with the Saxe last name. They will carry the Saxe surname until / if Scald claims them IC, at which point the children will hyphenate their last names becoming Fallen-Saxe.

Direct Relations:

Mother: Elysia
Father: Scald

Paternal Grandfather: Gilgamesh
Paternal Grandmother: Modesty

Maternal Grandparents: Raina x Azriel

Extended Relations:

Extended Maternal: Nemesis “Mesis”, Ezekiel, Sephrian, Rhazien, Kaino, Yarrabelle, Cifarelli , Isacriot, Caedes

Extended Paternal: Rexx, Flurry, Deluge, Calliope, Kenway, Wake, Tarnish, Siduri, Navis, Nimbus, Pontifex, Patience, Faith, ETC.

PreClaimed Siblings:



Elysia is Chaotic Evil, Scald is Chaotic Neutral. The Children Should be oriented towards those Two Alignments but are more than free to be an Oddity amongst their family and pick a different Alignment.


Ely has no Mutations, Scald has a Minor Mutation: Spine Quills. Scald’s Parents (Gilgamesh and Modesty) also carry Mutations. Thus this litter Can carry Mutations or be Mutation Naked.

Sizes & Builds:

Elysia is Medium Sized, 34”, and Balanced in Build.

Scald is Extra Large Sized, 42” and Light in Build.

The pups should be kept within these bounds, Medium to Extra Large, Dire is okay if you wish.  And Preferably builds should match their parents but heavy is an accepted outlier.


  • Elysia values her family above all else. This will be something she will wish to instill in her children at all costs.
  • Elysia believes that weakness is a disgrace and will not tolerate it.
  • Elysia as the primary parent will be raising these children to be useful to the Syndicate by any means, not all will be forced to be fighters but they will all be trained to fight.
  • Elysia had no real representation of maternal love growing. As such she will not be super “affectionate” in the normal sense. But she will love all her children in her own way.


  • Kidnap plots are a yellow flag for Ely, this would need to be discussed with Bunni and I first, as the families would certainly rip Ardent Apart to get the babe back.
  • These pups are not to be taken and killed off by any means, if you no longer wish to play them just DM bunni or myself and we will happily take them back so they may live another day.
  • They must follow all the Syndicate Pack Rules!
  • The pups will be raised in a mature themed family / pack. Where sensitive topics / triggers may be brought up, please keep that in mind before adopting any.
  • The pups may leave pack lands but only if Escorted by Ely, Another Adult Syndicate member, or Scald, and Modesty.
  • The pups may be mouthy but must not create any conflicts with another pack unless you have discussed this plot with Aislyn beforehand.
  • As they will be raised in the Syndicate, they will be raised in close Proximity to the Absinth x Aresenn and the Sephrian x Aurelia litters.
  • Both parents will have the right to crash threads if we feel the child is in direct threat of serious injury or death, Ely more likely than Scald. And depending on the situation the child may receive IC Consequences.

Pack Based Plots

  • Khalif tiered training - From the moment pups are born, they are shaped into bloodthirsty warriors. It is a parent's responsibility to train their pups through tiered predator fights- meaning, they will present a predator for their child to fight, starting small and increasing in size as the child meets their milestones. This is meant to prepare them for their Yearling Right of Passage trial.
  • Any character born to the pack who isn't double mastered by their first birthday is to go on a self-discovery journey as is custom for all Saxe children. And may only return to the pack (if they choose to do so) upon double mastering.
  • Yearling Right of Passage - The trial to determine where the Khalif will fall into the ranks as a yearling. Depending on the season, the trial for yearlings coming to age will change. Common trials may include participating in their first raid, participating in a gladiator-style fight event, successfully claiming their first Sidi, fighting off NPC trespassers, etc.

Designs: (or BYO)

There are premade designs available for this litter made by Bunni, Nacho, And Myself Below. But you are free to bring your own. I, Teegan, have made a color Pallet for Fur Colors and Eye colors that I would be happy to provide for you at request.

Made By NachoMumma

Made By Bunni

Colored By Teegan

Probably more designs to be added later

Due Date:

June 18th

Playable Date:

July 2nd


June 14th

<b>Out-of-Character Name</b>:
<b>Character's Name:</b>
<b>Adult Height:</b>
<b>Appearance Description:</b> 100 words
<b> Mutations:</b> (Optional)
<b>Personality:</b>150 words
<b> Alignment:</b>
<b> Intended plots:</b> (Optional)
[Image: ElyScarRef1.png?ex=6629b2a2&is=66173da2&...height=872]

Elysia "Ely" Saxe is a Mature 3-3-3 Rated Character. Plot at your own risk.

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1. The Star-Crossed Lover’s Litter Adoptions 11:42 PM, 06-05-2024 12:07 AM, 08-24-2024