
Today's Lesson



6 Years
09-29-2013, 08:02 PM

His joy was written plainly on features. Anthem Destruction was not the kind of man to withhold emotion -- not just that he wasn't inclined to, but he simply didn't know how to. Readily he pressed his nose into Symphony's neck, oblivious to the fact that he was perhaps intruding on a conversation. Manners were not something that Anthem had any knowledge of; but he did notice they seemed equally happy to see him.

Before he could speak, another woman arrived. Her fur was orange and pretty, and he tilted his head as he watched her with bright yellow eyes. "Hi," he greeted her simply. His expression faltered ever so slightly; he was unused to strangers, and didn't know if this lady meant well or not. He was slow, painfully unaware of her body language and the fact the he should likely be lowering his head and curling his tail between his legs -- instead he stood and stared, blank and struggling to understand.

He returned his attention after a moment to Song, thrilled to be able to see her again. He was unsure if they would see their parents again soon, but all his worries seemed to fade as he saw his sister once again. A smile lit up his gentle features and he lapped gently at her cheek. The stranger asked a question, and he looked back at her. "Just bring me," he answered her in a whimsical tone, the smile remaining.