
Today's Lesson



09-29-2013, 08:22 PM

Symphony sat there and listened to the exchange between her sister and obiviouly the alpha. She leaned into Anthem, knowing her was not too comfortable around strangers. She turned to lick his cheek."It's ok Anthem. She is Song's alpha." She whispered softly to him.

As Jupiter addressed Anthem and her, her ears perked up. But her brother beat her to the answer. She smiled softly.>"Greetings Jupiter. I learned the art of Healer in my birthpack and had held that title till i left. From there i took on the care of just my two brothers, Anthem and Howl. It was only the three of us that traveled together here. I come asking acceptance into your pack and offer my skills as a Healer and to also train Novel." She paused to look at Anthem them Song before her eyes returned to Jupiter." Anthem is special in his own way. His cheerful way of seeing things is ineffectious. One can not help but be happy around my brother. But he will need special care. He..does not understand common rules like us. Strangers make him uneasy but if your kind and patient he will understand and warm up to you." She explained to the orange alpha. She could only hope that was good enough. For she did not see her brother as mentally ill or slow but that he was sick. That there was some way she could find for herbs to help him.
