
Trapped in the snare




Master Hunter (246)

Master Fighter (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

2 Years
Extra small

Pride - Demisexual
06-06-2024, 10:40 PM

as Strai settles in, Spider follows suit, sitting back on their haunches and tucking their tail around their feet. they wait patiently, willing to give him all the time he needs to find the words. when he does speak, however, something cold and sharp twists their stomach, a combination of dismay and disappointment on his behalf. “oh no…Strai, i’m so sorry.” they remember how happy he’d been to have met Bylgja, his cautious hope at having a parental figure who was actually there for him. and yet, ultimately, she’d let him down too - intentionally or not.

his next piece of news has them straightening up in surprise. Delphi, the new leader? they think back to the last time they’d seen her, how grateful she’d been to get away from pack responsibilities for a few hours. and now she’s the head of one, with every member looking to her for guidance and direction. Spider hums in sympathy. it’s a big responsibility, and while some might relish the power, the wisest of leaders know just how heavy the title could weigh. “personally, i can think of plenty of worse choices to hold such a rank.”

they let their eyes just rest on him for a moment, thinking of all the qualities they love about him. all the reasons they’ve treasured him as a friend. “you don’t give yourself enough credit, Strai. you’re loyal, you’re fiercely protective of those you care about. you’d throw yourself in front of danger if it meant saving someone else.” he’d saved them from that deer all those months ago, and for that they’d always be grateful. “but if it’s too much for you, this role…you should never be scared to ask for help. Delphi loves you. she’ll understand.” of this they’re reasonably confident; the two had a fierce kind of love few Spider’s age could lay claim to. “and you’re both still so young.” Spider can’t even fathom what it must be like to lead an entire pack at their age. “i’d say you’d be a bit boneheaded not to be scared.” here they let loose a tiny chuckle, hoping to inject some levity into the situation.

his final statement has them sighing in agreement, thinking back on all the ways their own life has changed since their last meeting with Strai. Bas’ ascension, Ig’s appearance, their own rank as potential heir. and Hazel has been so distant lately… ”it’s okay if you’re feeling a bit lost. sometimes you gotta stop and take a breather.”



Spider has a male raven companion named Doomsday and a female snake companion named Lady Snakeskin. Assume they are present unless stated otherwise.

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1. Trapped in the snare The Wall 01:34 PM, 06-05-2024 02:55 PM, 07-18-2024