


09-29-2013, 08:49 PM

Ozz would be by her mates side when she could be. It wasn't possible to keep her away if someone tried to hurt her or steal her Ozz would be quick to react with her demon at hand. Kai who fancied the daemon who called herself Canttina was a shadowy figure only Ozz could see and hear. Though perfect as it sounded Ozz was insanely corrupted by her drunk love with the woman. Now, she had power too, and their power put men at the bottom. Oh how she couldn't wait to taste the blood of slaves underneath her paws, but she would keep herself in check. This pack was her loves prize, but her love was not something to be toyed with in the first place. Alongside her love, was another member, and once upon the borders to wait for the ice king was another one of Glaciems members. Though Ozz smiled and laughed a little bit at her comment. This was here for an alligance, she couldn't quiet want to bite ones snout off if she felt like it. Kai hissed raising his back and pulling himself in front of the glaciem lady. He smiled sharp teeth open as he pretended to consume her head. Just for the sheer enjoyment of the soul that he was contracted to. Ozz contained her laughter, but due to her her smile became a bit odd.
"Hello my dear, it's nice to see that you are doing well." She said with nice tones along her tongue. Emerald eyes starring at the girl. It may have seemed that she could be wanting to be as intimidating as she could be. Though this was Canttina's decision. While Ozz was not a fan of the harem king, she would keep her thoughts to herself. Waiting for something to happen. As Kai calmed himself and rolled over to Ozz's side. The woman nuzzled Canttina in the side of her neck slightly in the loving manner. She was not afraid to show who she was in love with and what was hers in a sense.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,