
You could be my silver spring

Set after joining Hellborn. Mature due to fight.



Beginner Navigator (10)

Beginner Healer (10)

1 Year

Pride - Bisexual1K
06-07-2024, 02:37 PM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2024, 05:00 PM by Mae. Edited 3 times in total.)

The sound of the water falling from the rocks to land in the recess below drowned out the noise the brute made as he stalked the woman. His tail lashing up in a dominance stance, surprised as she wouldn't spot the dull mocha brute. His golden pools locking onto her. Watching and waiting for his time to come out. Making his presence known.

The snap of a twig, shuffling of dead undergrowth made her ears flick to the side. Probably a bear, but still something she did not want to come across out in the wooded area, knowing that they would be out and about. Mae would give a light growl as a warning. "Who's there?" Her vocals still friendly, but cautious.

Did she really want to see him? His face scarred from old battles and fights. He appeared before her quickly but dead silently, his ears against his skull. His fur bristled on end making himself appear much bigger than he was to the smaller sized woman. "Are you sure?" His voice cold, with drawn of emotions.

Every fur stood on end as he appeared. Mae growled, not liking the sight before her. She didn't care to fight, but every bone in her body told her she would. Thats when the masculine threw himself into the younger woman. Causing her too loose her balance only for a moment. A moment that she lost, but regained quickly.

Mae charged after this masculine, baring her fangs and snapping at his snout. Ears laced tightly against her skull. A loud growl almost like thunder rumbled out from the male, he meant her with brute force his snout being torn from being met with her own teeth.

Quickly Mae found herself flanking him, circling around him trying to get to his hind legs and rip them out from under him. Maybe that was her first mess up. Although she was faster, he was bigger.

He reached just in time to grab the woman by her back leg, ripping and throwing her into one of the trees near by. His face bloodied from the reopened scars, staining the ground below him, moving towards this new little prize. Climbing up over her, he would snap his jowls in Mae's face. Giving her not enough room to squirm out.

Mae would kick ruthlessly at his torso, wiggling and biting at his paws and legs. She was in pain, but ignored it for the fact her life currently depended on it. She didn't know what this male was able to do. What would happen? Mae wanted to drift away, allow this brute the victory. She was still too young to understand the dangers.

She found her moment, he bared his throat at her, Mae grabbed. Shaking her head quickly, he moved off from her, Mae was able to catch some breath, spitting the tang of the blood to the ground, eyes flaring wide at this stranger. Baring her teeth as blood dripped down over her lips.

Mae would try to get up, to stand her ground. Her back ached, her hind leg torn as a loud whine leaves her throat. Thoughts wandering to were Reaper and the others were, if they wondered were she wandered off too.

"Mae and Reaper"

Reaper may join any threads that involves Mae All Titles to Threads are from Fleetwood Mac songs

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1. You could be my silver spring Cedar Falls 02:37 PM, 06-07-2024 10:10 PM, 09-14-2024