
Puppy Suprises

Cassius 1


3 Years
09-29-2013, 09:34 PM
I'm lame and forgot this -.-

Cassius was beginning to warm up to Faolan and realize that perhaps he wasn't in such a horrible situation. Odds were Faolan could point him toward his den, or someone would stumble across them and help out. He was the son of a king and queen, after all. Though still slightly worried and anxious, he would allow his complexion to relax to a more comfortable state. Faolan soon agreed with him that being left wasn't fun, and then went on to mention a few games that Cassius didn't know much about. His siblings and he didn't play any specific games, just had fun and explored. Occasionally the other three would play tag, but that was about it - at least that he knew of. "Maybe not," he would respond when Faolan said that they might not be too far off. Cassius surely couldn't hear them or see them, but that didn't mean they were too far away. He then offered to help Cassius find them, and the boy's ears tilted forward slightly before falling back once more. "I think they'd j-just leave m-me again." It was true, he'd gotten left once and they'd surely do it again. "M-maybe we could t-try to find m-my den?" That seemed a more suitable thing to look for, since it wouldn't be moving and possibly hiding from them. Not to mention his mother would be there, and she would certainly take care of him.
