
We Are Warrior Souls

Mandatory pack meeting


War Chief

Master Fighter (250)

Expert Intellectual (195)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Large species
Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
06-08-2024, 02:01 AM

One by one they arrived. Her dear sister would be the first to show, offering the giant white bear a hug that she would lovingly return. She even added in a gentle nuzzle and nudge to her tiny sister before Hay went to find a spot to sit. She watched and thought as the rest of the pack arrived, some visibly confused, upset, and a plethora of other things she was sure they were feeling. Things had been tough recently. Not so good things consistently happening and all of stressing everyone out. She nodded and remained quiet until the last member arrived, though she noticed there were a couple of them missing still. Their mother, she knew, would not be attending. After recent events, her mother had said she'd be going up North for a while. Saga understood, after all, it would be best for her to go and clear her mind and take the time she needed. In the meantime, the rest of them would hold down the fort.

After waiting a few more minutes for any potential stragglers, she made note of who was here and who had opted not to attend. She hadn't seen that dog that Haydee had accepted into the pack for quite some time...had he abandoned them? She supposed she'd address that if she ever saw him again. But for now, she'd focus on those present.

"Thank you everyone, for coming. I know this may come as a surprise that I am calling the pack together instead of my sister, but there has been a...change of leadership. It is abrupt, and we do apologize, but we feel it is in the best interest for the pack for the time being. This change, however, is not permanent. I am merely seeking to help my family and the pack that I love so dearly during these trying times." She took a deep breath as she did her best to calm her racing mind. "I am sure that everyone is aware, we have had some trouble with the Raider wolves. Things have gotten far too out of hand between both packs despite attempts of mediation and reconciliation. I am fully aware that we are not completely without blame, but on that same coin, they too, are not without blame. That being said, considering the hostility between both packs until further notice, there shall be no engagement with the Raiders Hollow. Should they attempt more transgressions against us, however, feel free to match their energy. We will be pushed around, belittled, slighted, and bullied no longer. Just because we lean more towards peace and neutrality, does not mean we will be pushed over and walked on. We will not be the ones to escalate any matters concerning them. Use caution should you come across them beyond our borders, and as I said before, match their energy if you must. But from here on out, Raiders Hollow are not considered friends."

She let them consider that for a few moments before moving on. "Now, there are going to be some...changes...coming about. The first, Ethne will no longer be named as such. Instead, I have decided that the pack will now be named Polaris. Again, these changes are temporary, but it is also in the hopes that it can start the pack on a clean slate after all that's happened. With that, there will also be some rank changes and restructuring. My mother and sister will no longer hold leadership positions, but are now betas." There were several rank changes that needed to be done still, but with so much now on her plate and trying to figure out this whole leading a pack thing, she knew she had things to sort out still. "I have also decided, that Eltrys will also be receiving a promotion today, to a sort of beta rank as well," She turned to find the male, an apologetic look on her face, "Forgive me, I do not yet have an official name for it, but consider the position yours regardless. I have very much appreciated your initiative as of late, and I believe you are best suited for it." Turning to the rest, she added, "As for everyone else, I would like to speak with everyone privately to discuss where you'd like to find yourselves within the ranks. I will admit, I imagine I am the first Ice bear in history to lead a pack of wolves, and although I've lived among you and have considered you all my blood since I was young, bear with me while I figure things out."

Indeed, she had never heard of a polar bear leading a pack of wolves before. It was unheard of for another species to lead a whole pack like this, wasn't it? She tapped her claws in thought on the stone beneath her feet for a moment before adding, "A couple of more things before we end this meeting. I want the pack to start training sessions. I want us all to be prepared no matter what. Train as a group, in pairs, whatever you choose, just keep yourselves sharp and at the ready. Polaris will not be considered weak, and we will not be considered easy targets. I will be holding sessions of my own as well in the coming days. Help your packmates learn what they most wish to learn, even if it doesn't involve fighting." She hoped they would...they could really use more skilled fighters and whatnot. "Oh! And that reminds me, Polaris is looking to recruit. If you come across any good candidates, please, send them my way. We could use fresh insight and new minds among us." That was about all she could think of to say, though perhaps one last thing before she ended the meeting. "I want to make it known as well that if any of these changes are not to your liking, you are free to leave the pack. I will not stop anyone from going, though I hope you will give me a chance. Should anyone have any issues, or would even just like to talk, don't hesitate to seek me out. I've known most of you since I was a young child, I promise I won't bite." She offered a smile, "If nobody has anything to say or add now, then you are dismissed. If you would like to speak later in private, I'm not hard to miss."


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