
The Star-Crossed Lover’s Litter

Ely x Scald Babies


06-08-2024, 09:53 AM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2024, 10:39 AM by SailyntSteps. Edited 3 times in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: SailyntSteps

Character's Name: Estella Kali Saxe

Gender: FeMale

Adult Height: 40”

Size: Extra Large

Build: Emancipated

[Image: O1lAjMN.png]


Eyes: Two pools of sight gaze out through pigments of difference. One a beautiful deep blue like the ocean at dawn. Another a bright yellow matching that of a summer sun. Each old their own uniqueness which increases her appearance even more so than the coat which she sports.

Vocals: Vocals are spoken in a mild tone. Not very high-pitched; however, it isn't quite deep either. Some may find it hard at times to understand her due to how low she sometimes chooses to talk. Not because she's being rude. More so she just doesn't really want to be bothered. When Estella does choose to speak up, her voice sounds like that of ringing bells. So soft and well-spoken. Each word is pronounced correctly without a misstep or a stutter. With how properly she talks, one may come to think of her as being far more mature than she is at that moment.

Gate & Posture: Estella carries herself with confidence and grace. She does not feel it is right to slouch or slump. Her spine is always aligned with the straightness of her neck. She refuses to look down or bow her head to anyone if it is not to catch a scent. Steps are placed lightly on the ground. Working every day, since a pup, on her stealth due to her love of hunting.

Weight & Height: An emancipated, yet slim body makes up Estella. Toned legs hold such a curvature build above the ground. Soft, small delicate paws press down to keep everything upright. With a long fluffy tail swaying just at the back of her thighs. At full height, she is a full 41".

First glance: Her fur illuminates under the heaviness of moonlight during the night. Perfect gift from her father. When seen from afar, Estella may look like a mirage. Something far too beautiful to ever be seen in reality. However once one is up close, they can really see her for what she is. A beautiful work of art. Various colors align every inch of her body. Pinks and purples make up majority of the white coat. A singular space between her eyes leading to a black nose sits completely void of anything. Odd star like markings litter certain areas through the well-placed fur she carries proudly. Shaped ears sit high on slim skin that exceeds out to an even slender muzzle. Don't be fooled, though because behind those black lips are a set of sharp canines and an even sharper tongue.

Perfume: Estella’s scent is like the calm after a thunderstorm. Her fur smells like fresh rain. When the sun rises at dawn the remains of what had happened the night after are no longer present. Except for small droplets that cling to blades of grass.


Independent - Calm - Intelligent - Observant - Introvert - Stubborn - Empathetic

Estella is much like her mother in many ways. Nothing bothers her. Not even death itself. She’s nothing if not observant of everyone around her. Only interacting just enough to make them feel loved or that she cared. If anything, one would find her watching the stars or sleeping under the moonlight. Choosing to study the herbs and prey of the land wherever they wandered. Always taking note whenever their mother would take them hunting. Only to return home to practice the moves on her own.

You could honestly say that Stell was a phantom of life. She rarely made friends or had a male that caught her interest. Rather, keeping all her focus on more important things. When it comes to Saxe traditions, she feels a bit on and off about it. Some aspects that her mother taught them make some sense to her. Others she easily brushed off as not caring. She understands only one thing in life. Life and death.

She isn't mean. But, she isn't nice either. Everything in her life is met with a mutual understanding that all things are temporary. Nothing lasts forever and if they did, Estella felt that if that moment were ever to come, she would ensure it did not leave her sight. Enjoying what it has to give for the moment rather than pondering on it and becoming sad if it does not stay.

Estella has become quite independent that way. More so than her other siblings. She holds a far deeper wisdom than any of them. Sometimes she can't help the way her brain wanders off mid-conversation. If it is boring or doesn't hold her attention, she tends to walk away or just plain dissociate from reality. At times even coming to the point of just plain saying "Shut up". Not being able to handle so many emotions from others. She doesn't know why; but, Estella can feel the feelings of others. Rather they're sad, angry, happy, or anything of the sort. It becomes too much at times and she soon finds herself hiding away from the world. If even for just a second.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Skills: Hunting & Intellect

Intended plots: I prefer to just go with the flow of her development. And gain plots along the way.

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