
When The Sun Dies and Night is Calling


09-29-2013, 10:38 PM

The midnight women wouldn't answer her, thus Morgana had moved just as the fight ended, smirking a tad as the rogue won the fight and the former alpha was at the feet of anther begging for their help. It cause the women to chuckle softly, shaking that head. "Pathetic." Spat the french women. Raising a brow as the new Alpha spoke and smirked delightfully, not saying a word as she stood there; that gaze moving to the midnight women as she decided to speak up and threaten the new Alpha and what she assumed was her consort of some kind.

Stepping forth to face the dame fully, she decided to speak up. "My my, such big words for a high and mighty bitch that just lost her home." Morgana mused at this words, chuckling as that head shook side to side a few times. Once she got to the removing tongues big, something clicked; another side of Morgana was was screaming to come out and play. "Your worse then the groveling Alpha, threatening one who has already proven her self to you lot. Tsk, tsk low indeed my lovely lady." Pausing those frosted eyes glanced towards Canttina before switching back to Medusa. "For your insolence I should remove your tongue for speaking in such a manner." A light growl left Morgana; she would indeed do it. For she had little problem taking on the weakened women, it mattered none to her.