
Winter's Bone


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-08-2024, 12:58 PM
He hummed through a chuckle as she agreed that family should be where home is. But he also wouldn't hold that against anyone. Had Scylla chose to run off away from him and Albion, he definitely would be sad but would give her what she wished. He hoped Mariah's family would feel the same. He had parted ways with a lot of his siblings and even his father even though Chimera was back here in Elysium. He'd do it again to be with the ones he cared for most, as favoring as that might have sounded.

When Mariah had subtly denied his offer he still finally took the moment to lay down close beside her and make himself comfortable though in a way careful not to touch her. His tail stretched and bent slightly in her direction though his eyes wouldn't stare her down in the process. His offer still stood.

He looked back out at the trees that Mariah had originally intended to spend her moment here for and he again showed her a warm grin as she had mentioned The Hallows summer bonfire and that he should come with them. "It wouldn't be the first." He explained, though he never really had any notable memories aside from the good food and chatter. He wasn't much a social man but it was nice coming from royalty himself and sharing generosity with other packs. "It'll depend on what happens in the next few days." He wanted Albion to have a chance to see their sister before he had a real discussion with him, but he was worried for Scylla. He knew at heart he probably couldn't stay here. And again he'd be pulled around like a dog on a leash just to feel relief of guilt. He had always held high expectations of himself. "I can leave you to your afternoon then?" He offered to let her sit and admire the snows that while cold was one beauty Auster left them missing. The crystalline trees were definitely something he could stare at for hours.


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1. Winter's Bone Alias Island 04:52 PM, 06-03-2024 02:42 AM, 06-12-2024