
Can You Feel It Too?


10-26-2013, 02:34 AM

A sigh escaped the males lips in contentment. His head lifting as he felt the shift of Aeil's own crown turning to look at him. He would lick her nose at her first question, ears at full tilt towards her as his gentle red gaze fell onto her changing blue pools. Her eyes...he could never get enough of her ever changing eyes. They reminded him of the sky and its varying colors of blue. At times they were like the morning of a new day, and they would shift towards the darkest blues of night. He loved that feature of hers, and he would never want to trade her for the world. A response would grace the tip of his tongue, but he held it to allow her to continue to speak. The look in her eyes showing that she was anxious, and lightly he would lean forward and kiss her nose with a gentle caressing kiss. Dragon adored her, and he honestly felt that he could no longer live without her. Since the day they met, she had accepted him for who he was. Accepted his scarred and broken body, his shy emotions that eventually developed into confidence and happiness thanks to her, and she gave him an ultimate reason to live and breath.

His gaze grew more intense with each passing second. His heart beat growing steadily more rapid as Aeil spoke. When she finished, Dragons body felt warm and fuzzy all over. His chest puffed out wirh warmth and his heart beat now seemed to be racing faster then he had ever run. Did Aeil truly mean that? Yes, yes of course she did. He could see it in her eyes, and she had no reason to lie to him. And he of course, had no reason to lie to her. If anything, he wanted to be completely open and honest with her...and now seemed like a better time then any. Dragon's breath would catch in his throat as he gazed at the beauty that was pressed so close to him. He would remember this day forever, and he would always cherish these moments. Especially this one...the day he would confess to Aeil and let his feelings known to her. He had wanted to do it the day they had first met, believing then that it truly was love at first sight. Dragon after all, had always believed in such a thing...and Aeil had proven it to him.

"I truly hope that you find no one better, Aeil...because I wouldn't know what to do without you anymore." It was then that he would slightly shift his position and lower his neck over hers to give her a warm and tight hug from behind. His face nuzzling and burying into her neck as he slowly dragged his head back up to face her. A large and steadying breath entering into his lungs as he strove to calm himself and relieve his racing heart. His stomach swirled with the fluttering emotions of what he now came to realize were the "butterflies" that one felt when they were in love. Dragon had felt them when they had first met, and still they remained within him. He had the feeling that they would forever stay with him and flutter about whenever he so much as looked at her or felt her touch. She had such a huge impact on him, and he never thought it possible before. His voice would make an attempt to speake, though at first it would falter slightly at the tip of his tongue. With one final deep breath to push away the shyness he would find his voice to speak properly, his voice coming out low and gentle to infiltrate gently upon her lovely ears. "Aeil, I mean everything that I say to you. I have no reason to lie to you, and I would never hold reason to do so. I...I love you, Aeil. Since the day that we met I've felt a connection, and each day I spend thinking about you, each day I spend time with you, talking to you, just doing something as simple as seeing drives my heart wild. Whenever I see you, my mind fails to think about anything else, let alone focus on the situation at hand. I want to be with you and only you for the rest of my life, to stay by your side and protect you; to love you forever until the day my heart stops beating."

He swallowed, hoping that she believed every word he said. He said his words with all the heartfelt feelings he could muster, showing her that he meant the truth. He leaned forward to plant a tender kiss upon her nose. He would then retreat just an inch or two away, keeping his eyes focused on her. "Aeil, will you marry me?"

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