
Grandpa play date




Advanced Fighter (100)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

1 Year
06-09-2024, 12:01 AM

Kintsugi grinned happily when her grandfather agreed so eagerly to her idea, her fluffy tail wagging happily at his excitement. He picked up the pace as he carried her to the lake so she held on tight to his thick fur, enjoying the view of the island from his back as it passed by. It didn't take much time at all for them to get to the lake and once Alastor laid down on the slab of shale she slipped off of his back, landing on the stone with a little flourish of her tail. She pranced over to stand in front of him with a little bit of space between them, just enough to make it obvious that she was the show and he was the audience. She felt very important standing up here! She knew it was usually just the Matriarch and Commander that stood here so it felt very cool to be doing her little show here instead.

As her grandpa opened up the stage for her and offered to teach her one of his own songs when she was done she gasped with excitement and nodded eagerly in response. "Okay!" Then she cleared her throat a little bit and took a deep breath before she started singing a piece of the longer song she had been learning from her mother. It was in special language that she didn't really know the meaning of the words very well, but her mother had told her that she had learned it when she was little like her. Even though she didn't know the meaning of everything she was singing yet, she was able to replicate what her mother taught her pretty well. The notes were a little off key at times and probably more high pitched than they were meant to be since her puppy range was more limited, but she still sang it confidently and proudly all the same. She was still developing her ear for music so she didn't know any better yet. To her she was singing it exactly like her mother had no one could convince her otherwise!

When she was done she held a dramatic pose for a moment before dipping into a low bow in front of her grandfather. Only then did she break character and give him a wide grin. "How was that?" she asked excitedly, bouncing over to his large paws and pouncing on them playfully. She did love performing and she especially loved performing for a really good audience like Alastor! "Your turn, grandpa! What songs do you know?"

"Kintsugi Mendacium"