
100 proof bonding



"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
06-09-2024, 12:32 AM

Caedes took a deliberate sip of whiskey, letting Alastor’s words hang in the air. He nodded lazily, acknowledging the humor and truth in the older wolf's observation. His grip on the bottle tightened slightly, muscles rippling beneath his fur as he settled into the moment. “No, we are not popular,” He replied, a wry smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “The Saxes have always been seen as outsiders, as threats. It is a reputation that is hard to shake when fear and strength are your family’s currency.” He sighed, rolling his eyes upward as he took another drag from his bottle, his shoulders rolling back as if to shrug off the weight of his words. His mind wandered, contemplating the isolation that came with his lineage.

Shifting his position to face the ocean, the rhythmic crashing of the waves served as the backdrop to their conversation. “But popularity has never been our goal. Domination is. Power is. In our world, you do not get far by being liked. You get far by being in control, by being strong enough that no one dares to challenge you.” He paused, the truth of his words sinking in. Like Sephiran, he had been born into this life, raised with these values, as had everyone else around him. It was a cycle of survival and supremacy. Caedes took another slow, deliberate sip of the whiskey, letting the rich burn settle deep within him. The firelight danced across their faces, casting long shadows that highlighted the intensity of their conversation.

Turning back to Alastor, Caedes' expression softened slightly, but his eyes remained intense. “I understand that does not work everywhere. Mariah has shown me a different way, a way where respect and loyalty can be earned without bloodshed. It is... new to me, but it is something I am willing to learn for her.” He sighed again, the thought of adjusting to these new ways weighing heavily on him, yet his determination was clear. So far, it had worked. This very moment was proof of that fact. You think the Caedes from seasons ago would have sat here, getting drunk with an enemy of his kin without a vast change in his perception of the world? Of course it all had to do with Mariah, that haunting woman who plagued his body and mind even now.

“What do I believe?” Caedes echoed, his voice low and contemplative. “I believe in strength, in survival. Those are the tenets I was raised on, the principles that have kept me alive.” His gaze shifted from the fire to the ocean, the rhythmic crashing of the waves a soothing counterpoint to the weight of his words. “But... I also believe in loyalty, in protecting those who matter. Mariah matters. She is different from everything I have known, and that makes her worth fighting for.” Caedes took another drink, letting the whiskey burn its way down, the liquid courage loosening the tight grip he usually kept on his emotions. “I am willing to face whatever challenges come my way to be with her. Even if it means dealing with those who do not, will not, cannot understand where I come from or what I have been through.” His gaze locked onto Alastor’s, his emerald eyes like steel.

Refraining from taking another swig of whiskey, he felt the liquid courage in his system already helping to loosen the tight grip he usually kept on his emotions. “As for what I want…” Caedes let out a low chuckle, the sound rumbling deep in his chest. “I would like a cure for brokenness.” The words seemed to shock him as they left his mouth, his eyes dulling as he gritted his teeth, the vulnerability of his admission hanging heavy in the air. The weight of his past, his upbringing, and the scars they left on his soul became momentarily apparent, a fleeting glimpse of the raw truth beneath his hardened exterior.


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.

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