
All I Want is a Little of the Good Life


09-30-2013, 12:08 AM

Solaris probably wouldn't have noticed that anyone was around had the wind not changed. On the cool breeze drifted another wolf's aroma, this one in particular the slightly sweet tang of a female. He turned to peer down the length of the rocks, spotting the pristine white fae making her way slowly towards him.mher gaze was downcast, so he could see very little of her face aside from the regal curve of her brow and the soft-looking points of her ears. There was an unmistakeable miasma of sadness about her that puzzled him. He'd seen a variety of wolves in his short time here, but never one that looked so defeated as this one.

Sitting down, Solaris tipped his head to the side and watched her move. So far she hadn't noticed his presence at all, continuing forward with that distant look, long legs seeming to make her glide rather than walk. The more he watched, the more he felt pain in his chest. To see a wolf looking so sad was difficult for Sol, who was a creature of joy and lived to impart a little happiness in every wolf he met. Deciding that this was definitely a mission he had to accept, Solaris stood up and padded forward to meet the pallid female. He'd scarcely taken more than a few steps before her gaze darted up. His breath caught in his throat, for an instant mesmerized by eyes that were as endlessly blue as the ocean, or a perfect sky.

Her mouth moved with words, and for a second he just stared dumbly and slightly slack jawed, while his brain worked to reboot and catch back up to the present. Shaking his head briskly, one of his signature grins splayed across his muzzle, perfectly friendly and slightly silly. "No, of course not! I was just indulging myself in a bit of good fantasy. Sort of childish I suppose, but I guess I'd rather be thought a fool than go on being something I'm not and never having any fun."

A few more steps brought him parallel to the Caede, and dropping flat on his belly, Sol let his long legs hang off the wall and his tail bounce side to side, exuding that lazy charm he was well known for back homel. "So hey, I know it's none of my business, but you look... well, really sad, miss. Is something wrong?" His tone was genuine, brows knitting together in a gently concerned manner, It was a familiar sort of sadness, that completely misplaced sort that you could just tell without even knowing the wolf was out of place. It looked all wrong on this pretty girl, and his stomach twisted with the desire to see it go away.