
Memory Reboot




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
06-10-2024, 12:48 AM

She gave a grateful nod to the well wishes for her sister. "I think it'll take some time for her to get settled back in, but she'll be fine," she assured him with a smile. She was less confident in the well being of her sister than she let on considering the state she had found her in recently, but that wasn't information that Cerberus needed to know. She chuckled softly at his comment about how he had missed Auster and gave him an understanding nod. She knew the mountainous terrain and typically chilly temperatures of their island wasn't everyone's preference, but she had grown quite accustomed to it. She was sure he had a similar preference for the warm weather of Auster having grown up there himself.

She managed to keep a smile as he mentioned the other things he missed while he was away and her thoughts immediately went to his siblings who were no longer here. She knew she'd have to have the same conversation with him that she had to have with Albion and she already knew how it was likely to end so she wasn't looking forward to it, but she would do it regardless. He asked if she was on her way somewhere and she nodded, replying, "I was about to do a patrol before some of my other meetings. Will you walk with me? I can fill you in on what has gone on in your absence."

Avacyn walked with him toward the island's shore and as they walked she tried to decide where to begin. Cerberus was one of the few wolves she told about her miscarriage shortly after it happened so that much of the story she wouldn't have to tell him. That made it slightly easier in a way and harder in others. She decided it was best to just cut to the chase as they began to walk along the beach. "I have to tell you that Scylla decided to leave Elysium in the time you were gone. Albion also returned recently and has left to find her." That was perhaps the most simplified version of things, but part of her wanted to leave it at that. "I was told that she was spotted somewhere near Valta recently and that is where Albion was going to start looking... I'll give you the same freedom to leave that I gave Albion if you want to take it. I understand the need to stay where your family is and I support that decision if that's what you want."

"Avacyn Mendacium"