
Fantasy and dreams



The Hallows

Master Fighter (242)

Advanced Navigator (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
06-09-2024, 03:17 PM
He was pleased to know he had been right. She was of the Armada! So far, so good. He hadn't made a fool of himself, and she seemed happy to keep him company. “You didn't grow up in the Armada?” He asked, wondering how well travelled she might be. His whole world had been the Hallows, except for a few adventures out of it. His run in with the Worm had curbed some of his enthusiasm to explore. But he still wanted adventures, nonetheless.

He laughed when she pulled out a book of her own… wait a minute! “Is that one of ours?” He asked, realising the cover looked vaguely familiar. When she seated herself down next to him he excitedly flipped forward a few pages. Knowing exactly where he would find the image… and there it was! A great red dragon, with its tail curled around a castle tower. “Asaroth is from a sect of dragons that believe the might of Dragon-kind gives them the right to rule over All other creatures, including wolves” he explained, tapping lightly at the picture with a claw. The faint smudges of grass and creases on the page told a story of how often this page was opened. “He broke the Trust and attacked the castle during a time of peace. He won that battle, and enslaved wolf kind” he said, skimming a claw across vague lines that told a much more in depth story to the one he was telling her. “But the Wolf-King Amon forged a sword in secret. A special sword that had the power to bring low the Red.” He flipped furiously forward through the pages until he reached another picture. This one showed a wolf picking up a sword from a smithy, the blade rippled - its steel looked very similar to the steel of Keas own blade. 

He glanced over at his companion to see if she was as enthralled by the story as he was the telling of it. He knew these pages off by heart.

Wc: 339

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1. Fantasy and dreams The Starlit Plains 01:11 PM, 06-09-2024 09:01 PM, 06-13-2024