
The Summer Bonfire Festival (Year 20)

Open to all friends of the Hallows


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
06-09-2024, 03:40 PM

Tonight was one of her favorite yearly events- the summer bonfire festival. She’d made sure to sleep in extra late this morning, so she could stay up later in the evening. And she’d taken her time rising from her plush, luxurious bed, taking a lengthy bubble bath and brushing her pelt to perfection. The air in her room was a sweet mixture of perfumes and lotions for her paws, her vanity a distaster as she sifted through all of her items. A tiny bit of shadow on her lids to make her eyes stand out, a soft, rosy tint for her lips to make them shimmer. The final touch was the gold Damascus pendant her parents gave her for her birthday, which she slipped carefully over her head and positioned perfectly on her chest. One last look in the mirror, and she was ready to go, leaving her messy room behind and soaring down the stairs.

A beautiful, celestial canvas was spread out in the sky, guiding her way to the starlit plains. She’d arrive just as several strangers entered the territory, and out of curiosity, she was analyzing them as she passed by, offering smiles and courteous dips of her head. She’d go straight up to her father, noticing Ember wasn’t there yet. He was busy setting out the last of the food and drinks, and Clove moved in to help him. “Hi Tati.” She said softly, nuzzling his shoulder and falling in stride beside him.


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1. The Summer Bonfire Festival (Year 20) The Starlit Plains 04:02 AM, 06-07-2024 12:26 AM, 07-14-2024