
Finding what is lost



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Paleo species

Samhain 2022
06-09-2024, 08:52 PM
He woke to her stirring, and the brush of her muzzle against his coat. He opened his eyes, stretching slowly like a cat. Arching his back, extending his claws and yawning past his elongated fangs. He got slowly to his paws, watching her grab some dried meat for breakfast. He really ought to take some time for a short hunt, and fill her belly with something fresher than the jerky they had prepared. 

He could see the anticipation in her movements, and knew she was eager to find the cave with glowing lights. He banked the fire, grabbing a bite to eat before securing the bag across his shoulders again.

They left the cave to find his falcon waiting for them, the path to their destination already scouted. He sent her on a hunt for rabbit and led Ignita on. They arrived at the cavern with plenty of morning light left. He pulled Ignita close to his paws as he stepped inside, taking deep breaths as he sampled the air for any threats. It was dark at first, and he wondered if they had been led astray. His cat-like eyes adjusted easily to the dark and he led her through the cavern until a hint of light appeared ahead. Blue, and strange.
[Image: 2yUYF9E.png]
As his Consort, Ignita can enter any of his threads without warning

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1. Finding what is lost Glowshroom Cavern 08:01 PM, 06-08-2024 09:01 PM, 06-13-2024