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Cie, Laney


The Syndicate

Expert Navigator (220)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years
06-09-2024, 09:09 PM

"D-Delaeni," she stuttered out, her voice choked with fear as she met his gaze. "I'm a... a Wild Dog, sir." She hesitated over the title, aware of its connotation of respect and struggling to reconcile it with the fear that gripped her. "And yes... I b-belong to the Syndicate." Delaeni's heart hammered in her chest like a trapped bird as he studied her. His touch was not unkind, but it sent shivers racing down her spine nonetheless and she had to bite back a whimper of apprehension. She hadn’t known what he was gauging by holding her arm in such a way, but it did make her uncomfortable. When he finally moved on to Cierzo, there was very little relief to the pressure building in her chest. She felt like a rabbit caught in a snare, her every breath echoing loudly in her ears.

The gruff wolf who'd demanded their presence was a frightening figure, towering over both Delaeni and Cierzo. His presence was menacing, and Delaeni found it difficult to tear her eyes from him as he moved over to the other female. Fear coursed through her veins as she watched him examine Cierzo, just as he had done to her moments before. Her eyes darted anxiously towards Cierzo, silently communicating empathy for her situation.

The mention of an experiment drew a shuddered gasp from Delaeni and she watched, wide-eyed, as Azrael approached with something concealed in his paw. Her mind was awash with terror and confusion. A trial run? Of what? The words buzzed around her skull like an angry hornet, refusing to settle into any sort of coherent realization. “W-wha-t are you- …” Her words were cut off as Azrael swiftly clasped his paw around her throat. Delaeni's heart raced, her pulse quickened as she felt the cold press of something metallic against the soft fur of her exposed neck. She whimpered in fear as his fingers tightened, holding her as she struggled to pull away. She was not strong enough to break his formidable grip and soon found herself succumbing to the situation. The cool touch of the concealed object against her skin created a chilling sensation that only heightened her anxiety. Her heart pounded, each beat echoing in her ears like the distant tolling of an alarm bell. Time seemed to stretch into infinity, each second drawing out into an eternity of cold dread. The pinch of the needle was a flash of sharp pain that pierced through the fog of her terror, bringing with it a new wave of panicked confusion.

Tears welled up in Delaeni's eyes, spilling over and trailing down her cheeks as she trembled under Azrael's grip. Her mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out; only ragged breaths as she tried to make sense of what was happening. He assured her that she would be feeling the effects momentarily- and he couldn’t have been more correct.

The sensation was unlike anything she had experienced before; it was primal and powerful. She felt drawn to Azrael in a way she couldn't comprehend, an animalistic yearning that seized control of her senses, dulling her ability to reason. It threatened to overwhelm her carefully conditioned, obedient nature. The world around her faded into a blurry backdrop; all she could focus on were the riveting, electric sage eyes of Azrael. Out of fear, she remained rooted in place. Afraid to move. Afraid to push invisible boundaries. But there was no denying the … magnetic force that threatened to pull her to the ground before the large Saxe brute. Though fear lingered in the corners of her consciousness, the overwhelming heat coursing through her veins pushed it aside. It left her whimpering as the sensation only intensified. It left her trembling- but with desire rather than her normal anxiety. "I...I feel..." she stammered, struggling to form a coherent sentence. Her voice was barely a whisper when she finally managed to speak, "Burning... I feel like... like I'm on fire." A fire that left her body throbbing with need. Searing with intention that she had never felt so strongly in her life.

"Delaeni Terblanche"