
Penthouse suite



The Syndicate

Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

3 Years
06-10-2024, 12:55 AM (This post was last modified: 08-24-2024, 03:37 PM by Mireia. Edited 1 time in total.)
As they walked through the territory of their new pack, she began to feel as though this place wasn't as bad as she had originally thought. The space the Syndicate claimed on the main land was still quite terrible, but the island that Azrael led her toward seemed to have some perks in comparison. At the very least they were moving away from the grusome and quite unpleasant smelling display at the border and instead were stepping onto slightly warmed volcanic rock. This was still a pretty desolate landscape compared to the lush lands of Auster where they had previously been, but she supposed she could get used to it.

Eventually Azrael seemed to settle on one particular cave that appeared to suit his needs and she looked around herself while he unloaded his belongings and inspected the rooms that branched off of the main chamber. As long as she had somewhere comfortable to lay at night and he kept her fed she couldn't complain too terribly much, but this place would certainly need some sprucing up to make it a comfortable space to live. Of course she doubted that Azrael cared much about the aesthetic of the place–most brutes didn't–but that's what she was here for. She turned to face him as he spoke, declaring this place his den and saying that most Sidi kept a space near their masters, but that she could live here with him if she wished. She raised a brow at that, surprised that she'd even have the option to be anywhere else. All of her previous masters had been very insistent on her sharing their bed each night and considering how controlling he had appeared to be she had assumed he would be the same.

She considered the option for a moment. Perhaps she ought to take the chance to have a bit of her own freedom for the first time in her life, but at the same time she had to begin finding ways to make herself stand out to him from the other Sidi and show how she was not just some toy to throw away the way he had apparently done to his previous slaves. She stepped toward the largest chamber that he had indicated would be his, mostly ignoring what had probably intended to be demands of some sort about furs for the entrances and his bed. She was no hunter and he was foolish if he thought a little thing like her would be. She hummed thoughtfully as she walked into the bedroom with a swishing sway of her tail, giving a little nod. "This is plenty big enough for the both of us, mi maestro." Turning back toward him again with a grin she added, "How else will I be able to take care of you morning and night if I am not here?"
