
Venomous resupply



The Syndicate

Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

3 Years
06-10-2024, 12:54 AM (This post was last modified: 08-24-2024, 03:07 PM by Mireia. Edited 1 time in total.)
Mireia followed behind her new master happily, a rejuvenated spring in her step after the murder of her previous, terrible master and a long, delightful night of getting to know Azrael very intimately. Azrael was proving to be the most curious and unusual brute she had found herself tethered to, but he was by far the most satisfying and fun to play with so she hoped she would get to keep this one for a long time. He led her through the dense foliage of Auster until they reached the shore line and he seemed to find what it was he was looking for. He declared that they were going shopping and she tipped her head curiously, muttering mostly to herself, "¿Compras?" This was no market nor did she see any traders anywhere along this beach, but she followed him dutifully all the same while she waited to see what they had come all this way for.

At his warning she did as he said and was careful about where she put her paws, checking each spot before she stepped as she walked over to stand beside him as he crouched next to a pool. She watched the water, glancing at him occasionally with a question in her ruby gaze. What were they looking for? Finally, Azrael seemed to spot what he was hunting for and she watched as he reached for something under the water and suddenly snatched up what had at first seemed like a rock, but was instead a strange fish. "Aye!" she called out with surprise as he tossed the fish onto the shore, making her hop back to avoid the flopping, wet mess of it. He stabbed the thing to death and she blinked with surprise.

Luckily Azrael finally explained what it was she was looking at, telling her it was a stonefish and that they were collecting them for the deadly spines on its back. He didn't explain what he needed them for, but considering how he had incapacitated Vaso she could get an idea. He began to dissect the fish and remove the spines in question while giving her instructions for how to hunt for the fish herself. She wasn't typically tasked with anything more than just looking pretty and being available to fuck whenever her master wished, but she supposed she could adapt if she must. While he worked on the first fish, she went over to another tide pool and couched down at the edge of it, much like he had. It took her a while to figure out what exactly she should be noticing, but a bit of movement eventually caught her eye and she watched that spot closely to make sure she wasn't seeing things and sure enough, she spotted a fin move among the sandy bottom of the pool.

She inched her away around the pool to the side closest to her target and she oh so carefully began to reach into the pool, sliding her paw along the bottom to make sure she was staying as far away from its back as she could. As soon as she was close enough that she thought she could make a grab for it she tried to mimic Azrael's reflexes and she reached out to hook her claws into its tail. Her toss to get it up onto the shore wasn't nearly as neat or precise as his had been, but somehow she managed to get it out of the water and avoided being stabbed by the dangerous spines. Now she just had to kill it... Azrael had his dagger to use, but she didn't have any tools or weapons at her disposal. She looked around frantically for a moment till she found a rock that would fit in her paw and she hurried to slam it down on the fish's head before it flopped back into the water. Not a clean kill, but an effective one, she supposed.
