
In For A Swim


09-30-2013, 05:19 AM
The splashing would continue for some time as the male tried to catch a few fish that swam between his legs. His head struck forward, grasping a silver trout in his teeth and would then bring his head up, his prize glinting in the sun. It was only when he turned towards the shore that he saw her. A woman with a nice coat of brown hues was standing there, watching him. Curious, his oceanic eyes would smile at her as he carefully picked his way over sand and stones and broken shells. Upon reaching the semi muddy grounds, he shook his coat out, his fur sticking out in odd angles and the fur on his head and neck taking on a spiky haired appearance. His nostrils flared slightly, taking in her scent. Though, it smelled strange to him...then he realized he still had the fish in his mouth, and with that he would place it on the ground between them.

"Hi there, I uh...saw you standing I thought I'd come over and introduce myself. Name's Tidus, what's yours?" He would inquire cheerfully and politely, wondering what she had been doing just watching him. Though, he assumed it was because of what he was doing. Wasn't everyday you saw a wolf splashing around in the water like a pup.