
mysterious carnelian



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Navigator (235)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
06-10-2024, 01:44 PM

There is a moment, when the man’s bright blue eyes land on his beloved sister’s form, that it suddenly all feels so surreal. The last time Enki had laid eyes on the molted form of Akhlut had been shortly after the pack challenge, after their father had left and before their mother had returned when he had slipped out to go and explore a nearby area. They had been pups then, barely old enough to know the gravity of the situation that they found themselves in and with no clue how it would change the course of their lives forever.

Long legs tenderly circle around Akh as he holds her close and, for a fearful moment, he is afraid that she is merely a wisp of smoke that will disappear the moment he touches her. Yet, she does not and Enki holds onto her like a lifeline as she easily leans into him and his voice fails to give more than her nickname in the moment. His name has never sounded sweeter as she speaks and he pulls back enough to stare into those lavender and sapphire eyes that have often found him in his dreams.

A smile wobbles onto his lips as she timidly questions how long it has been and he notices the brief exchange of eye contact between her and one of the badgers before her voice gains strength and she greets him. Releasing a breath through his nose, Enki tallies the time spent away from each other before softly replying, “It must be almost a year and a half now since we last saw each other. I… I have missed you so much Akhlut. It is wonderful to see you again.”

Enki doesn’t want to release her from the hug just yet but he will remove his long legs if she starts to feel uncomfortable. For now, he contents himself with explaining his absence, “Shortly after the challenge, I escaped to go explore a nearby land around the time that those strange statues appeared in the lands. I found a really nice lady who walked with me and I… ended up falling and breaking my ankle. Turns out, she was a part of a pack named Ashen and she took me there to heal.”

Shyly, he offers an apologetic smile, eyes begging her to understand his reason for abandoning the family. Now he moves, detaching himself from his beloved sister (if she hasn’t already shrugged him off) and lowers his gaze slightly. A small sigh is exhaled as he says, “I was so scared, hiding in Ashen, not that far away from Insomnia borders so I decided to take matters into my own paws. I came to these very borders and offered up two years of my life in exchange for the freedom of you and our littermates. I wanted to give you all freedom without the fear of being pursued. But then everything changed.”

It had been done with her in mind and the fact that Enki lost track of his siblings had been a struggle for him but then his world had been turned upside down with the news of their mother’s death.

"Enki Klein"