
The Summer Bonfire Festival (Year 20)

Open to all friends of the Hallows

Ember Carpathius

"I'll be the fire that dries the flood"

The Hallows
Head Scholar

Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
06-10-2024, 05:06 PM
Crossing back over the Bifröst into Auster felt a little bit like falling into old familiar routines. Ember loved the freedom she had on her own to go wherever she wished, but Auster would always be her home. As soon as she led the group of Hemlock wolves with her into the warmth of the southern summer, Em was all smiles, lifting her head into the familiar coastal breeze as it tousled her midnight fur. The moment her paws crossed the northern shore, there lay the Hallows, the lush Wildberry Grove in full bloom. She led the group confidently across the border, knowing they were expected by her family. It would be good to see everyone again after being gone for a couple of weeks. Walking with Erik prominently at her side, Ember lifted her gaze to smile sweetly up at her crystal-encrusted not-boyfriend. They might not have an official title on what they shared, but she didn't need titles to feel the way she did about him.

"How's your throat feeling?" she asked him with a gentle nudge of her side against Erik's. Though the crystals on the outside of his skin hadn't been affected by the medicine, he had seemed to recover leaps and bounds from the ones that had been tearing up his throat and vocal cords. She didn’t mind, of course; those fiery crystals had always been synonymous with Erik to her. Every day his voice seemed a little stronger, able to speak without hurting himself and unaffected by the weather. It made Em's heart sing to see him healing for the first time in his life, cured of an incurable disease. She must remember to thank Syanna for all her expertise and work, and maybe even let the healer see her work firsthand.

As they exited the grove, the massive unlit pile of wood could be seen across the vast plains, with wolves already surrounding it, ready for the festival. Em flashed Erik a grin and swatted her tail, currently braided up in a traditional viking style shown to her by the Trygg wolves and showing off a little of the culture imparted on her in Hemlock, against the back of his thigh. "You ready to meet my parents, viking prince?" she teased him, knowing he wouldn't actually be daunted by the idea of meeting her sire and mother in a more formal capacity. Sure, they'd all been introduced when Artorias had brought them up to Heiðinn for their first meeting, but only in as much as both their parents had given their names, and they had both been too eager to see each other at the Yearling Ball to think about a proper introduction to her mother and father. There'd be no escaping meeting the parents this time.

Ember led the way down the sloping hills of verdant grass until they had joined the congregating groups around the bonfire. Oceanic eyes spotted her family scattered about, her heart full to see them again. Even her father, whom she'd been tense with the past season. The Carpathian princess approached Artorias, smiling up at her sire as she leaned in to nuzzle his shoulder. "Bună tati. Ma bucur sa te vad," she greeted her father, her braided tail wagging behind her as she directed his attention to Erik. "Dad, you remember Erik, right? He's Delphi's second in command of Hemlock now." While she let Erik introduce himself to Artorias, Em peeked around and her expression lit up when she spotted Clove, looking gorgeous as she always did, close at their father's side. "Clovie!" Em called out, rushing over to greet her littler sister with nuzzles and hugs. She missed her sister the most being away from home.

"Ember Carpathius" | "Carpathian"

Artorias and Briar may enter any of Ember's threads while she is under 2 years old.

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1. The Summer Bonfire Festival (Year 20) The Starlit Plains 04:02 AM, 06-07-2024 12:26 AM, 07-14-2024