
Lazy Day, Drifting Away



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Navigator (235)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
06-10-2024, 03:04 PM

Enki talks about the clouds and Redrum sits beside him before echoing his words, gaze shifting to the sky as he narrows his eyes suspiciously at them. A gentle chuckle rolls past the man’s lips as he dips his head in agreement, saying, “Yes, clouds. Besides often forming shapes that are pleasing to the eye, they help us understand the weather better. For example,” paw lifts to indicate a large swath of dark bellied clouds peeking up over the horizon, “We will be getting rain soon. As early as tonight or as late as tomorrow afternoon. The wind will decide that timing for us.”

Paw falls back to ground as he shifts the conversation, opening the floor to any questions the boy may have. Of course, he is quick to question his rise to power and Enki nods in understanding as he says, “Well, it is important to understand that I have known your mother pretty much my entire life but I have only been here, with Insomnia, since I was a little over one year old. See, when I first came to Insomnia, I made myself a willing prisoner, trading two years of my life for the freedom of the littermates. So, you could say, we have some history.”

A gentle laugh rolls past his lips, a testament of the love he has for not just Insomnia but Medusa herself. With a small smile on his lips, Enki continues to explain, “Your mother had challenged my mother for the right to lead Habari, which was, at that time, my mother Recluse’s pack. That all went down when I was put a small pup and, after Medusa won the pack, we were raised to hate and fear her since she sought to bring us all into Insomnia’s lands unwillingly. That is why, when I was a little over one, I came here and offered up my freedom because I didn’t want my littermates to have to live in fear anymore.”

Slender shoulders lift slightly before falling back down as Enki says, “All that changed shortly after my arrival when I found out my mother had been murdered by a different woman who had stolen one of my siblings. After that, I kind of… lost myself, emotionally speaking. With your mother’s patience and time, I was able to find my way back and realize that, the family that I thought I had lost with the death of my mother, had simply been found in a new place.”

The smile has grown as he talked until it takes up most of his face and is extremely warm. Head tilts slightly as Enki says, “As for why I was made Wraith, well, that actually has to do with you, Red. Do you know what your mother plans for the pack?” Eyes sparkle with unvoiced amusement at the boy, ready to tell him the real reason he was made Alpha.

"Enki Klein"