
Like a good neighbor, the Hallows is there!




Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (350)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
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Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
06-10-2024, 09:03 PM

"Philadelphia is what my mother called me," Delphi replies with a laugh as she wondered why her mother had thought of such an atrocious name for such a girl as herself. As she moves about to stoke the fire and keep it going, her ears perk at the words Ember speaks. Stepping back to regard the girl for a moment, Delphi's head tilts, curious but not off put by the gesture. No, rather, it lifts a layer of stress from her shoulders. With extra help, she would be able to do other duties she had been neglecting. But would this mean she would be forced to bend her knee to Artorias?

The hesitation is obvious for a moment before Delphi gives her coat a good shake and sits back onto her haunches. "A jack of all trades, hm?" Delphi questions, eyes moving to look at the flames that flicker up toward the cave's ceiling. "Vidarr has been diligent on informing me of his motions before abdicating," she starts, her words thoughtful as she lets her body relax for a moment. "I'm unsure how much Artorias tells you," a single raise of the brow, unsure how much she should divulge, but if the girl was here to help... The more information, the better, right?

"Your father is a gracious man for lending you to my pack. In truth, we need it. Since Vidarr's wife's sickness, the pack has slowly been slipping away. If not for my attempt at trying to turn things around, I'm afraid we might not be even a pack at all," another sigh, sad this time as she looks up from the fire toward Ember. "Is there a reason you're named Ember?" Delphi asks suddenly, eyes piercing as her mind lingers on how much of a coincidence this all seemed to be.

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1. Like a good neighbor, the Hallows is there! Fenrir's Maw 03:43 AM, 05-24-2024 11:30 AM, 08-08-2024