
I want to release the pent up anger


09-30-2013, 09:35 AM
Ardhel was so angry, the rage swerved in her blood, coursing through her system like poison. Some days were like this, all the pent up anger she stored would just boil over, filling her with an immense hatred. She had lost her brother, her only true friend. Her parents had tried to kill her, she had fled, she was allowed to lose it sometimes. But when it did happen, it really did happen. She was like a time bomb, just waiting to explode.

She had sprinted up to the battlefield, her rage filling her with boundless energy. She wanted to fight, to hurt somebody. She didn't care if she got hurt, she didn't care if she died, she wanted to fight. She was boiling by the time she had reached the battlefield. The unusually hot autumn Sun beating down of her, her dark pelt keeping the heat in. Her eyes had changed with her anger, instead of the usual purple, the were now deep blue.

She looked up into the sky and let forth a howl.

(OOC: this is my first spar, can you make the first move? And I know it says Arwen, I made a mistake while registering)