
Goodnight, Sleeptight, Don't let the dead bite



5 Years
09-30-2013, 09:55 AM

Symphony's voice softened as she turned her attention to Novella. Nuzzling her in return though pausing as her sister's words met her ears. "I might need your help...since I'm Ludicael's healer." The news was certainly rather shocking to the young female, certainly not having anticipated that at all. "You joined Ludicael?" She questioned, whilst Symphony had certainly been more open to forgiving Song than Howl had, this was still rather surprising. The young female realised however this was not the time for such discussions and was quick to push it away for now. "Just tell me what to do." She replied simply, certainly not having the knowledge of a medic, clueless as to the use of the pile of herbs Symphony had beside her.

Myth had joined them now a cheery greeting sounding as she approached them. ?Symphony and Novella! Are the others here? Anthem?? Novella remained silent however as Symphony's disapproval of the attitude was swiftly voiced. "Myth, knock some sense into that brain of yours. do you not realize you a witness to a battle for rule over Ludicael? Ludicael is the pack i have recently joined and that is my alpha Jupiter. Why are you with that male? And why did you not come to us first?"

Whilst Myth was apparently thrilled by the violent display before them, Novella had to admit for the first time there was a small amount of worry running through her, especially now that she knew why they were fighting, for the home that Song and her family lived in, that Symphony was now apart of and, as she had now realised, she definitely wished to join as well. This clearly was no little game, the sight of the blood brought more than enough realism even without the tension in the air. That fear from the rest of the Ludicael members was travelling to her as well, and for once the normally bold young wolf was not feeling quite so confident.