
Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma Ma Baker



The Syndicate

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Samhain 2022
06-11-2024, 09:42 AM
Aresenn watched the scene unfold with an expression that was stoic and unreadable, his mind racing through a whirlwind of emotions. He felt a knot of undesired sympathy in his chest as Absinth endured each contraction with such tenacity. Despite her strength, he could see each of the contractions as they racked her body. Each cry of pain that echoed in their close quarters caused an ache of regret in his chest.

But the introduction of new life into their world pushed any disquieting thoughts aside. As each pup emerged, he felt a surge of unexpected warmth creeping into his demeanor. The sight of the squirming whelps stoked a feeling within him that was as foreign as it was welcome - a sense of belonging to something greater than himself, the powerful bond of family. This was a side to Absinth he had not seen before, her ferocious warrior exterior replaced with a nurturing, motherly tenderness. A sight that stirred something deep within him. There was something raw and visceral about the way she brought life into the world, a strength that surpassed even the mightiest of battles.

His eyes met hers as she cursed at him between labors. A smirk played on his lips at her harsh words, a glimmer of amusement flashing in his eyes. "Me too,” he retorted back lowly, his voice carrying an undertone of worry beneath the impertinence. The words were a jarring contrast to the intense moment, yet somehow fitting given their subtle, but very passionate connection. He watched as she readied herself for the next strain, his hand sliding unintentionally to cover hers, giving it a supportive squeeze. A tender gesture from him - one that conveyed more than any words could ever express.

"Aresenn Praetor"

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1. Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma Ma Baker The Polar Sound 09:22 AM, 06-11-2024 10:52 PM, 06-13-2024