
Caught Unawares With Your Pants Down [Nami]



Novice Navigator (20)

Advanced Hunter (95)

5 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - PansexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-11-2024, 09:59 AM
For a moment she'd worried her silly antics would get herself chastised, but she soon realized she was living in the past a little bit still. Things were so different here than the rigid pack she'd been raised in, where there was no room for nonsense. Here there seemed to be room for a healthy dose of fun, so long as she was still contributing and not being a nuisance. It was easy enough to do and she had to remind herself that she didn't need to be stuck in old habits.

Grinning from ear to ear at how easily Jynn moved on from being tackled into the water, Nami nodded along to her words. "It will, I'm sure of that! I felt the same way at first. This place is a lot different than the pack I was born into - though Hanzo seems a fair man. A bit serious, maybe, but his heart is good," Nami stated with clear confidence. She knew he was a good man, and she would vouch for him time and time again. He'd given her a home again, after all, something she genuinely had never expected to find again.

Sitting and watching the water still in front of her, only disturbed slightly by Jynn's slight movements, Nami was content to watch for a long while. Though she could be quite excitable, fishing was something she could be exceedingly patient at, channeling all her nervous energy into the task at hand. The gray snapper moved in slow circles ahead, and Jynn moved to strike one. Nami followed suit, the slender fisher leaping forward to snap at one that began to dart away. She had to kick out a bit further to reach it, feeling her paws lift off from the sand as she rushed to catch it. Though it nearly slipped out of her jaws she was able to dart forward and snatch it up, lifting her own head proudly as the fish gave a good few flops.

table coding by bunni ♥