
Guess this is your heads up




Advanced Intellectual (115)

Expert Fighter (120)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - Bisexual
06-11-2024, 11:22 AM (This post was last modified: 06-11-2024, 11:29 AM by Desponia. Edited 1 time in total.)
((Liquid timing to like a week after the meeting. Also content warning: Des considers briefly terminating her pregnancy, but does not follow through.))

Fuck. Shit. Fuuuuuuck.

She should have been more careful. Shouldn't have let her hormones dictate so much of her behaviour. Also she was going to kill that bastard if she ever saw him again. Desponia wrinkled her nose up at the pool of sick she'd only barely managed to avoid getting inside her den. It being right outside didn't exactly feel like a victory though. She would have to clean it. But it was hard to focus. She'd been feeling less than stellar since she'd gotten back to the island. Frankly she'd chalked it up to the usual feelings she had for her family and being tired from the trek.

That had been a week ago and since then things had only gotten worse. The pain had started in her abdomen. Just a sort of general soreness. Not necessarily unusual, maybe she'd eaten something bad. Then she'd noticed that certain yearly symptoms had failed to subside when they should have... That was when the worry had started. She had been in heat when she'd had that run in in the fog with the fucking winged asshole...

And now? Well today was the second day in a row she'd woken up to have to rush outside and be sick. Desponia had a pretty good understanding of what was happening and she hated it. She'd have been content never having to deal with this her whole life. In fact it was how she'd have preferred things. The upside to her bastard status was she had no dumb responsibility to "carry on" a family legacy. They'd all have been happier seeing her mother's "indiscretion" die out with her. Des included!

Grumbling to herself the woman turned back into her den and grabbed an old worn fur she'd been meaning to toss out anyways. Might as well get some last use out of it. The woman began to carefully clean up the mess outside her den, making sure to avoid getting too good of a whiff lest it make her sick again. While doing so she took some time to consider her options. Desponia was not all that versed in medicines but she would have been a fool to not know there were herbs she could take that would force her body to get rid of a pregnancy. She knew it wouldn't be pleasant but it was her first instinct. And yet...

Some part of Desponia mind, the one that was always looking for little ways to spite her family, was awakening. The man, whom she hardly knew, had clearly not been of pure wolf descent. While Des frankly didn't care, in fact it had been what led to his hotness, she could see it maybe rubbing some of her family the wrong way. Not only had her mother gone and sullied their blood line but now the bastard was making things even worse? The thought did cause a small smirk to twitch up the corner of her lips. Not to mention she was pretty sure a marriage was out of the question here. Nor could she stop him from having kids elsewhere. Even if that thought irked her, which in turn frustrated her that she was feeling jealous over him of all people!

The work done the woman disposed of the now thoroughly ruined fur some steps away from her den. She'd burn it or toss it into the sea or something later. For now she had a more pressing task. Desponia made her way carefully towards the more commonly used areas of the island, searching for one of two scents. It was her niece's scent she picked up first. Just as well, the disdain she felt for her brother was stronger than for any of her sibling's children. Sure she didn't like them but to an extent she didn't consider them particularly guilty for the mistreatment of her mother and by extension... Her. So Desponia started to track the Matriarch, she knew she could have called for her. But if there was one thing Desponia would never do it was give any of her family the satisfaction of knowing she needed one of them.


Art by yfjyrcnkirsgte
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.